
Yeah, I saw your comment. It's rather bonkers how a person just can't seem to grasp what's right there in front of them. I tried to make my comments plain and simple. It'll have no effect though, clearly.

That ignorance is intentional or just comes naturally as in, not too swift.

I thought maybe it was just an emotional reaction that turned into one's pride clouding their judgment. That's not the case. The mask is off. That's a nut. Next!

Yep, a nutbag, and not in a good way like me. 😉

ay yi yi

That is all.

Lol. Nothing more is needed. 😁

In other news: Meltdowns on Hive are at an all-time low.

Haha, yeah it's a bit slow in the meltdown stakes at the moment; a lull indeed. Never fear though, someone will come along and things will liven up once again. Maybe we'll even get called Satan again. That'll perk things up.