Oh this is a good one, brother!
Firstly, nothing incenses me more than a thief, and a plagiarist is the most abhorrent version of a thief for they are stealing thoughts, ideas, and the essence of someone else.
I, like you, am very hard to sway once a characterization of someone is formed. I use "characterization" exactly due to your point of reputations can be flawed and distorted based on the receiver's perceptions, life experiences, and other factors.
I try to be better than I was yesterday and many days I fail. Nothing bothers me more to the core than when a new person happens to interact with me on the days I experience weakness and present a version of myself that is not true to my nature, goals, and aspiration. It bothers me because I haven't given them an honest opportunity to meet "me" and that impression I left with them can linger for a very long time and it sincerely bothers me.
On a completely superficial level, this quote really resonated with me because I choose not to use profanity. I had a very respected teacher, who became a mentor, who told me many times that profanity was taking a shortcut with your mind and emotions and that stuck with me so deeply. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a really creative cussing session as much as the next guy, but for me it is about control and self-discipline. I might not be able to control the situations that frustrate me, but I can control one of the most powerful things I own....my words.
I really like the swearing thing and what's behind it. That fellow, and yourself, are clever and it's an admirable trait.
I swear, but know when not to. But yeah, I swear. Lol. You know, in my whole life I never heard my father swear. Not a single time. I respect that.