Procrastination: The Biggest Generational Issue


Procrastination the act of postponing,delaying or putting off things,especially intentionally.
Normally, it is very difficult for a procrastinator to be rich. This is because they don't take actions at the right time. You cannot expect to turn one into two at a particular time and then decide to leave it for a later date what can be done immediately. Why must you say I will do it tomorrow when you can actually do it now. You see let me tell you,tomorrow only exist in the mind of the losers. Because, when they see opportunities they don't go for it at the right time until it is too late to take actions.
A student that was to be having an exam in four days and supposed to be preparing for the upcoming exam and spirit of pocrastinating set in and started saying I will read later,I will read tomorrow since the date of the exam is still far away but failed to realise that the four days is just a stone throw. Eventually,on the set date of the exam was rushing to catch up on his revisions. Writes the exam and failed woefully because the exam was not properly prepared for.

He who fail to plan,plan to fail.

Why was actions not taking the moment it came to memory or remember that exam will be coming up in four days?
The inability to push yourself to complete an unpleasant task might be due to laziness or inability to think right and take actions immediately might also be due to peer distractions.

Action takers will always see and get positive if not great result because action takers are successful people.


How can procrastination be curbed?

Self determination:

Having the determination to finish a particular task is one of the best way to of getting rid of procrastination.Make plans on how a task can be completed and done well by starting little by little,set a time frame on the list of tasks at hand in order of scale of preferences to know which one to focus on first.


Focus on things that are making you procrastinate and restrategise yourself to bring out more positive outcomes. Are you procrastinating because you found some task daunting and unpleasant for you to do? Having focus on the long term goals and put your all into the tasks. Don't get distracted with minor things, stop avoiding what will eventually be and start doing.