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RE: How to Write ~ A Simple Tip for Success on Hive

So show up to Hive everyday. Wow something. Part of. Repeat. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece-it doesn't even have to be especially good writing-just show up and write.

Oh dear, as a new Hivian I sincerely hope that this is Not the hive gold standard. If 'being a success' on hive is about posting daily crap then it is on a path to self destruction. Indeed, my first comment to the person who introduced me to Hive was, "Its full of crap", and I can see why it this is what is being promoted as the correct way to use hive.

By your standards I sincerely hope I never become 'successful' on hive, but instead spend days considering and crafting my content in order to benefit people rather than add to the refuse heap of daily post irrelevances.


Such a bad attitude won't get you far on Hive. Hive is "full of a lot of crap", yes. Many people do just shitpost here to collect upvotes and the few cents those bring. But there is also a lot of beauty on Hive. We have people blogging about their lives and their hobbies. They are not trying to craft the perfect message like a professional writer, they just want to share their lives. This is wonderful and their posts are beautiful. If you can't see that, there won't be much on Hive for you.

Not to mention, you seem to have missed that last 25 years in blogging. Blogging groups (Hive, Wordpress, tumblr, etc) are not professional platforms. In professional areas, such as magazine writing or writing a book, then yes, one needs to take time to craft their message or an editor is likely to reject it. But in the blogging space, we are more concerned with practicing our craft, getting a message out, and making connections, and those things are best served by writing consistently and often. It is more similar to a writing group where people practice writing everyday and share their results with each other. Most people in the blogging space are not writers. Many haven't written for years before discovering blogging. Blogging gives them both practice writing—which will help their writing improve if they do it often—and a social connection that they might not have otherwise.

I suggest you try to change the way you are looking at this space. If you are just here to put up posts and hope the upvotes magically come, you won't see much success. Hive is for connections first and foremost and you won't make many of these if you keep calling everyone's post "crap".

Thank you. I am genuinely grateful for your post and reply which inspired my post here... 🙏