Some great tips here, but I feel that overall you are confusing and potentially misleading people with what you have described. .
10% of your salary is £106 whereas your examples are working off of a 30% or greater investment which would mean someone would need a £3000+ monthly income to follow. In your Update, after you found the article in your drafts, you say you've now invested £4000 of your own money, but you don't say how long this has taken. The next statement suggests that you've only taken 3 months to achieve this, which is impossible on your income, while also investing 20% of your salary into crypto. It just doesn't add up, and building a good relationship with money requires that you be 100% clear and honest (prudent) about timescales, values invested, and returns likely.
Ultimately though you never actually explain the 1-simple-rule you learned which is the 10% rule.
So, the 10% rule is simply: take 10% out of your income First, before you pay for anything else and put it in an instant-access savings account immediately - use a direct debit if you can to automate the process. You will quickly learn to forget about this and live within the remaining amount.
Secondly, the 10% rule doesn't mean 10%. It's a principle; your circumstances may mean you follow a 20%, 30%, or even 5% rule instead. It's definitely worth aiming for a minimum of 10% though if you can.
My principle is to not invest these savings anywhere else until they have reached a value equal to say 6 months worth of salary. Yes, if you do the math then 10% of your salary will take 10 months to save one month's worth of your full salary. If that sounds disheartening, don't let it be, it's an amazing achievement, you now have an entire month of living expenses covered if somehow your income stopped suddenly without warning. And you'll always have that assurance tucked away and getting better month after month. 👍
Most of all, be encouraged that whatever situation you're in, money can be fun. 🙏
very true, youre right, I dont pay rent ( so have a lot more disposable income to save than 10%) and took out a loan in to invest into the LISA.
I will tweak the article and try make it more transparent and clear what im trying to say, you wrote it perfectly in your comment.
Thanks for the feedback :)