Nope not what i meant (though I have read and appreciate that you've written about some of your mistakes so the rest of us can learn from them XD). Like I guess there's some definite things you can call "ultimate success" like hitting a target dead in the centre, are there things that you do where you're not sure at which point you'd call it a success never mind an ultimate one?
Did that make it clearer or am I just making it worse XD
It'd be boring if we were all the same wouldn't it :)
Oh, sorry I misunderstood.
Yes there’s things/instances where it’s difficult to find an ultimate success-point for sure. I tend to seek continual improvement in most things (outside of work) and so I might do something that constitutes success, the attainment of improvement, and yet isn’t ultimate success. An example is my shooting for instance. I see success as improving rather than winning. Make sense.