Perhaps it is just me?
Maybe I am just discontented with my own life and therefore feel that others are in the same boat
Statistically unlikely that you're the only one ;D
I feel like communication itself rather than the medium is the actual problem. From personal experience it doesn't seem to matter whether it's online or in person, some people seem to think a "conversation" is them talking and everyone else listening, and they get put out and disinterested when other people want to say anything, and debates/arguments are about who can scream down the other person the loudest and shut them down and throw insults when they're out of points/proven wrong, because that somehow makes you "more right" and then you "win"?
What are you classing as a "group"? Is one other person with you making a group of two enough? Does it need to be 10+ people? Is it just the people you know collectively even if they are generally their own disparate groups?