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RE: Think like a leader: Week Two

in Self Improvement • 2 years ago

as in sitting around waiting for people to do stuff then taking the credit.

Only one word for that leadership style!

Having said that, I have had to learn to just sit around sometimes rather than taking everything by the throat and shaking it until something happened 😂.


There's nothing wrong with sitting around for a while, nothing at all.

Being a leader and taking accolades, credit and reward for work the team did though? Not acceptable. The leader's leader should be able to see the teams success as the leader's success and nothing more should be required and certainly not taking credit that the team deserves for one's own. Only bad leaders would think that's acceptable.

No argument here.

There is definitely room for not leading everyone by the nose!

But yeah, the ones who just sit back and let everything happen have many words to describe them, terrible words!!