Remember this iconic catchphrase from the classic cartoon character Bugs Bunny?
If you haven't heard of him, he is the ever cunning, sarcastic, and cool rabbit that has been featured in comical animated films alongside other celebrated superstars such as Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Marvin the Martian, Speedy Gonzales, Sylvester the Cat, including other hilarious personalities from the Looney Tunes universe. Now, do you remember him?
Although we’re extremely grateful to Bugs Bunny for his marvelous contributions to the entertainment, fun, and laughter of various audiences worldwide, we won't be covering imaginary cartoon characters here.
Instead, we’ll be focusing primarily on two (2) important aspects about him that have personally captured my special interest and are practically useful to real-life rabbits and their valuable benefits in general.
First, the word “Doc” (shortcut for Doctor) from his famous slogan and second, his particularly being a rabbit both point to beneficial applications for the healthcare industry and entire well-being of people.
Unbelievable, right? But it's true!
Let me explain.
In fact, did you know that rabbits are one of the most ideal creatures that provide Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) to human beings who suffer from anxiety, depression, loneliness, plus other forms of mental and emotional disorders?
Imagine my tremendous ecstacy the moment I discovered that my friend's eco-farm also nurtured adorable rabbits of all shapes, sizes, and colors.
As with all cute things and objects of beauty, I'm the sort of person who easily gets attracted to them. So without wasting time, I immediately indulged myself in their tenderness, losing myself in their loving cuddles. Have you tried caressing them?
Speaking of the beneficial healthcare therapies that rabbits can provide to people with the above-mentioned ailments, here are few surprising yet critical scenarios that demonstrate their immense value:
Social Engagement:
Caring, petting, connecting with rabbits together with a small number of individuals encourages communication, intimacy, and community.
With the active treatment of group therapy sessions to victims of isolation and those suffering from social disconnection, these gentle creatures act as mediating agents to lessen the gaps among failing relationships.
Emotional Reinforcement:
Rabbits offer suitable companionship to persons who have experienced a breakup and are abandoned by loved ones, have just survived through a terrible negligence by a close friend, or have undergone the sorrows of death in the family.
With their heartwarming, peaceful, and affectionate demeanor, these charming entities of nature are one of the most rejuvenating buddies you could ever find.
Stress Killers:
Who doesn't desire a stress-free lifestyle? Though there's evidence of the effectiveness of good stress, we are only referring to the detrimental types here - those that escalate the production of stressful hormones called cortisol to undesirable limits.
Yet, with the physical presence of rabbits in our midst, we are surely ensured of being distracted away from negative thoughts and other destructive mental disturbances. As a result, we enjoy the genuine serenity that we truly deserve.
My friend’s farm staff including his own kins even testified of the enormous healing advantages that their rabbits brought to their daily routines. Whenever they feel bored, pressured, and burned out from work and life problems, their rabbits immediately come to the rescue. Isn't that incredible?
Hence, the next time you see Bugs Bunny on your digital screens, always remember that not only does his jokes, comics, and laughter provide us with the best medicine, but most importantly, his specific animal species have so much more to deliver for the overall well-being, growth, and improvement of the human race.
Now, isn't this new revelation about rabbits something to be truly happy about?
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Hi @storiesoferne, rabbits are beautiful and adorable pets, I did not know they were of great help for therapies, I have read about therapies with horses and dogs, but with rabbits first time I read; Looney Tunes characters are a classic of children's animated series, impossible to forget the adventures of Sylvester with Tweety and the famous phrase "I think I saw a cute kitty".
Thank you for sharing such excellent information about the TAA and beautiful pictures of these cute animals.
Have an excellent and blessed week!
Greetings @belkyscabrera. Awesome! I'm glad the famous cartoon characters of Looney Tunes have also penetrated your beautiful part of the world. And being a huge fan of them myself, Bugs Bunny in particular is still one of my favorites. Perhaps the original show creators purposely chose a rabbit because they already knew beforehand this creature's warm, tender, and loving personality - pretty much comparable to their real-life counterparts.
We're truly blessed that Mother Nature has provided us with gentle animals that assist in our relentless pursuit of better healthcare, well-being, and therapy. Have an enjoyable one! 😊
Rabbits are great to have, one does require very secure area if burrowing rabbits acquired. Very good to have a pet to help with stress and anxiety.
Absolutely, I likewise believe that rabbits are one of nature's most adorable animals. Although pet owners should be trained in nurturing them well, the pros outweigh the cons in terms of their therapeutic benefits in helping people suffering from mental and emotional illnesses. 😊
My belief is everyone should have some form of cuddly friend, assist in mental health.
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