If there is a perfect decision that can be made - it is made by luck.
Most of the big choices decisions I have made in life are from the gut, from a feeling of this is the right choice.
I think intuition gets better with experience :)
Where I was living, since we had only just moved there it was a 6 month wait to establish a first appointment with a doctor to re-start our health care.
It is good that you got treated - but the US system is a mess....
We moved, then learned of my health issues since we moved back to the area we moved away from.
Is it better to know and treat or not know and go about your day? I know people who have chosen both sides or when they found out, went without the treatment by choice. There is no perfect decision.
Treatment really is a personal choice. When it comes to skin cancer, no treatment could lead to disfigurement, treatment can also lead to disfigurement. For me it was either a open ugly wound look, or a loss of halve an eyebrow, and hair where there never was before. (very fine but annoys my eye and needs trimming a lot).
I think it is better to know, one should never be afraid of knowledge even if that knowledge can cause fear.