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RE: Health is wealth unless impossible

in Self Improvement3 years ago

You were medivac'd? That is cool! :D

I could see doctors, chase cures, see therapist, but in the I may be a tiny bit healthier, would I have anything to live on after paying off medical debt?

Exactly. I am not saying "don't be healthy" but do consider the value of chasing health.

What is 5 to 10 or 20 years more worth? How much healthier would I be?

It doesn't sound like a pleasant life to live long, but do little.


No it does not, that is why people need to find their own balance, just like in saving for retirement and not living for or providing for today. I do not look forward to ever living in a retirement type home, or spending the rest of my days bed-ridden in one, and or limited by what they allow me to do. I want to make my own choices, just as I have in the rest of my life, right or wrong, they are my choices to make.

I want to make my own choices, just as I have in the rest of my life, right or wrong, they are my choices to make.

My biggest fear of getting old is, losing the ability to make my own decisions. I find it interesting these days that people are willing to give up their ability in order to feel a little more secure in a world where there is no such thing as security.

I hope my mind holds on til the very end. Like you I can not fathom why so many people have given up on making their own choices. What good is life when you only get to live it another persons whim.