It is treatment day, so I am at the hospital with a drip in my hand, which is making it difficult to type, as the tubing is taped into a bad position for the keyboard. Just in this sentence I have probably used the delete key 15 times... this post is going to take a while, but as you can see, "Spring is here" - well, according to the wallpaper.
With all that is on my work plate at the moment, I should probably be knocking out some tasks for that, but I don't know anyone else who works from a hospital bed, so I think I will take the couple hours this time for myself - the rest of the day can start after lunch. I have a few difficult meetings in the afternoon and with the symptoms of the treatment starting to kick in, I am not sure how I will perform.
Should I chuck a sickie?
For those who might not know, that is how Australians say "fake an illness for a day off", though technically, I wouldn't be faking - though the last time I actually took time off for illness was when I had the stroke last year. However in general, with the ability to work from home, I tend to work regardless.
Perhaps I should just play some Splinterlands instead and kill my current position even further. I played a few rounds last night to see if I could do the quest and after a couple good games, got hammered a bit. I don't mind too much at this point though, as I while I have dropped back from Diamond 1 into D2, I should be able to climb into Champions again and make a push for Champion 2. I got close last season, but took a hammering in the last two days.
Speaking of Splinterlands, it is good to see some of the pictures coming out with the "Imagine Dragons" deal and hopefully there will be some positive press and perhaps growing interest in the game. It would be amazing if there was a little bit of press from fans that got the Splinterlands name into the media more and created some hype. Too much to ask?
After a discussion and commission from @galenkp yesterday, Smallsteps set about drawing her own Dragon Card and I think it came out pretty awesome. Look at this beast!
It was a bit of an art-themed event over the weekend and she spent hours painting with kids water colors and was absolutely loving it. I think I am going to look around for a kids easel so she doesn't have to sit on the floor all of the time and I think she will enjoy being able to have a little "atelier" corner in her room. It is likely that she will have some talent in this area as she goes forward in her life based on her genetics, so it probably isn't just me wanting her to be creative.
Our genes play a large role in how we are, so denying them is probably a losing battle - the good and the bad. Often we are taught to focus on our strengths, but I think that one of the easiest ways to improve ourselves, is to acknowledge and counter our weaknesses. Even paying attention and building processes to identify when they are in play, can go a long way to limiting the negative impacts that they have on our lives. It is like "anger management" in a way, where catching it before the outburst is vital to take a step back and reevaluate whether that is the path we choose to take. When our weaknesses are unbridled,
I have just been cut to typing on a laptop with one hand...
The drip in my hand isn't liking the movement in my wrist and keeps stopping and beeping.
As I was saying.
When our weaknesses are unbridled, we don't have the chance to recognize and counter them in the moment, meaning that even if we are doing well on our strength sides, the benefits are going to be limited. Of course, no one only wants to focus on the negatives, but it is good to consider how much gain can be made in doing so.
In general with high-level skill, the effort to improve is also high. But improving low-level skills is easier, and as such, shoring up weakness might actually not be as difficult as it seems. This depends on many variables, but investigating them needn't take much effort and the gains can be seen quite fast.
I am not great at typing with two hands. This hasn't improved the situation.
I think I might have to create a "bucket list" of my weaknesses to tick off by attempting to improve them even a little. I wonder if over the next decade I was able to improve each of them 30% or reduce their negative impact by 30%, what would be the net benefit? I would assume that like skill improvement, they will compound against each other to outsize the effort in. It is like a wanted investment outcome - more return than input.
This is taking a long time to write and my treatment is drawing to a close - so I think I will leave this one here for now and spend the rest of the time thinking about what I will put onto my list of weaknesses. I am pretty sure it is going to be quite extensive, but not exhaustive - there are just far too many. We change a lot during our life but one of the things that never changes, is our chance to improve ourselves in some way.
We can all face our dragons.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Chucking a sickie is a right of passage, take care of yourself mate.
Unfortunately though, there are no cricket matches to attend while out of the office.
She definitely got those artist genes passed down Taraz, what an epic dragon!
I think she would enjoy the corner, you should totally do it, although maybe she's gonna be like your dad and not want to use an easel or fancy pallets? Will be interesting to see.
I know Lory will choose Tupperware lids over a painting palette any day, she'd also rather paint with a random stick than a paintbrush. Go figure. Kids.
I hope the treatment went well.
She will likely be like him - she doesn't care much about these kinds of things at this point - but loves creating.
Kids are creative because they don't "know better" - they can make do, they can flex and shift with little effort. A stick is a brush, a sword, a wand, a horse - whatever the moment calls for.
Small's dragon is now proudly displayed on my fridge door and it makes me smile every time I go to the fridge a lot. 😜
We have it on the fridge too. It is awesome!
I printed it up for work too.
Spring is here as well mate. The first fireball has fallen to the air, we need to wait for two more falls to the water then to the earth. I like this belief because it is consistent with the nature at least :)
I think that Smalsteeps has already been aware of Splinterlands now, before HIVE.
Get well soon, have a good week.
Spring isn't quite yet here - but at least the picture on the wall I was sitting next to made it feel warmer. The rest of the room was very much "hospital"
@Smallsteps has been on Hive since a baby! She is just very lazy now... :D
Learnt something new...thanks. Sorry about your illness. It's good that you still persevere. You are strong. You are passionate about writing and we look forward to your write-ups.
Sometimesi feel like my body fights me on getting a Splinterland account. I've done some research on it but always procrastinate on beginning the process fully. I'm sure I'll do it soon cos I've begun procrastinating my procrastination. Hahahaha
Get well.
The catch-22 of a procrastinator looking to activate! :D
Marian said that you must frame that dragon and I agree.
It is on the fridge for now :)
Get well soon and have a wonderful week ahead of you! 💋
Thank you and to you also. Any wild plans?
off to Turkey this week! have to recharge my batteries :D
That sounds awesome! Have fun :)
The Dragon Card turned out amazing! She is talented young artist!
I think it is awesome - cute and ferocious at the same time :)
Lovely Dragon drawing! Well done!
:) One of my favorites so far!
Smallsteps and her dragon are just wonderful. It reminds me that I loved to sit on the flor as a child. Playing drawing just simply being without thinking how things (dragons skills tables) "should" be
Feeling into it I see deep inside I dont like sitting on a chair! Hm. Okay you see me confused ;-) I have to sort these things out.
Loosing deep skills by sitting in a way your bodyfeeling doesnt like???
The floor is the best place to play, but when it comes to painting, very messy! :D
Our body is part of our learning/ memory mechanism, so I suspect that being in the wrong position, might impact on what we learn and retain. I wonder how many people don't do well at school because the environment isn't set up for their learning type?
Haha :-D This depends on the floor.
Yes I learned also from a huna shaman book, the body "Ku" safes all memories and thoughts. And also Peter A Levine speaks in his trauma books about this. And they say when you can relax these regions, then the brain follows and can solve problems easier.
And how many adults dont do well in learning and creativity for the same reason?
Ah this question accomanies me the whole day now ;-) you and Galen have this attitude to give me "deep thinking lessons"
I will spend the evening sittin on the flor and think about :-D
I love your daughter's dragon art!
The contrasting colors, its tiny blue wings that don't seem able to carry the beast' weight and the sparks of fire
it's like a fairy-dragon
A fair dragon is probably what she is after - but I am glad the wings are large enough - just not large enough for that belly!
Haha! indeed :^)
It might hop around though...
I appreciate the effort your daughter derives in making amazing things like this, she must be talented.
She is, though all kids are :)
Yep, spring is here. Time to do some fishing and enjoying the leaves around.
Btw, that dragon came out just fine. Probably it has the habit of taking some extra sugar in the coffee 😂
Whatever fish I can get, it's hard to say what I might reel in based on where I live. But one thing is certain, big or small, the vibration you feel when a fish get caught at the other end of your gear is enthralling.
The dragon might have taken too much sugar already to breathe more fire 😂😂😂
This time encourage her to do more fire 😀
I have considered taking up fishing since there are so many lakes here - but have actually only fished once in my life :)
he'll have a nap first.
What do you normally fish for?
Has the same excuse as me - needs energy to "burn"
The problem is... there is not that much fire happening :D
Nice Dragon drawing by obviously a very talented young artist!
Time will tell.
Ahhh that's too cute please send help no actually never mind it's too late for me save yourselves XD
I love that drawing, frame it and keep it forever XD (andf/or turn it into a nft or whatever I donno)
Perhaps Smallsteps should create NFTs! :D
well I know it is hard to use your hand with a drip a few years ago I had Typhoid fever and had to take I don't remember clearly but I think I took 8 or so Injections and I have the exams it was hard to write with it but it when well I hope you recover soon and enjoy spring
Sounds kinda weird when I say it with my African accent.
Get well soon sir.
Having a list a weaknesses. That's an interesting one. Because most times I prefer looking at strengths and improving them. But I now realize that it would only make me a lopsided individual.
Thank you @tarazkp
Nice drawing, beautiful princess is very good at drawing it.
yeah she is.
All the best in your recovery, get well soon🙏🏾
Thanks :)
I wish you speedy recovery. Smallsteps got skills I see, what an art! Are you artistic as well?