Self Love: The First Thing You Owe Yourself


Loving yourself could be a really tedious thing to do. But it's something you have to give yourself because nobody else will give it to you.

This year, I learnt a lot of lessons, but the biggest and most appreciable lesson of all is that I have just one me, and loving me is my own job.

What Does Self Love Mean?

Self-love means drafting your expenses and making budgets for your monthly after the paycheck comes in.
Self-love is waking up early when you could be sleeping, just to exercise and make breakfast.
Self-love is getting yourself healthy meals because you want this body to be great for you.
Self-love is getting yourself that haircut, that Chelsea Suede boots you saw on IG, because you thought you'd look great in it.
Self-love is taking risks, making harsh decisions, breaking bonds - it's doing anything that would benefit you in the long run.
Self-love is knowing when to take a break from a job, a friendship, or a relationship that is draining you.
Self-love is owning your shit, maintaining your space and protecting your privacy.
Self-love is going easy on yourself, enjoying your own journey and not competing with other people.
Self-love is understanding that there's time for everything and everyone, and giving no fucks when people are trying to make you feel jealous.
Self-love is the apartment you have to buy or rent for yourself and by yourself just to get the exclusivity you desire.
Self-love is being contented with not being included; it is JOMO - the Joy Of Missing Out.
Self-love is self discovery, self reliance and self acceptance all wrapped in a Christmas hamper.

True self-love is spontaneous and yet incessant. It's not about rewarding yourself with chocolate cakes, cinema time, or a spa day just because you did some hard work. It's about rushing through that hard work because you need to continue the business of loving yourself.