Skin Color Difference - Black & White life should also matter.

in Self Improvement2 years ago


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Back into the last days of the previous years when victims of Nigerian are haunted for being black.

Many reasons why black is seen to be on the other end of life. Nobody would have thought it could be a plague that sweeps through every African country.

I got a lot of job rejections because I'm Nigerian, or possibly because my skin has a black painting.

I believe it shouldn't matter if the skin is white or black, I believe what matters is being competent and having the vision to write and sell accurately without shame.

What is the history of the so called racism?


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I did get it right that racism doesn't really affect just the blacks alone, even the beings in the white skin also become victims in the black country.

How did we get ourselves to become enemies of ourselves?

Either black, white or difference in starture and perspective, a mutual understanding should live amongst humans of the planet Earth, only then can we truly experience peace.

Here's a question for you.

  1. Is it a fallacy to desire peace in a world with folks who finds one Superior to the other?

  2. Is it possible to attain peace across the globe?

I wouldn't want to be the angel in the dark dress, but Hell No! The issue of racism has drilled deep into the culture and economical systems that's why it can travel from generation to generation.


What does black life matter mean?


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To me, I find it lucrative and a means to keep the black race alive. Regardless of how annoying it can be to experience mental stress due to being segmented due to racism, a contribution like that of ( BLM) black life matters has given justice to some black folks and has also ensured the problem of racism to the black has been reduced, at least to some reasonable end.


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Why do I think this needs to stop?

I could remember way back in the days when I joined platforms like Upwork, or other online websites that takes in any country of the world, it is so nice because at least there's a unifying agency that gives everyone a free will to get jobs and get paid.

I got my first job from an Australian which makes so much sense and even with that, I have also gotten jobs from the white men in Canada to Write blogs for the automobile agency.

Nothing is more fun than when everyone is given equal rights.

This is the sweet part of the story, I've also had my fair share of disappointment, cases like being rejected from some websites and having to tweak your way in, being away from some platforms because you have the black skin.

Maybe this wasn't the developers intentions but either way, stuffs like this happen and should be eradicated.

I also believe the White life also matters.


The rise of the white life matters is designed to also gives rise to some folks, the African-Americans who haven't gotten equal right to justice as well.


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Regardless of whoever is black and whoever is white, I'm more concerned about the humanity that binds us together.

We are humans and everyone should have equal right. The only thing that should put us into fractions of various units are fields of choices and competence.

We all can live as one ! Both black and white lives matter.

I strongly believe this.