As I Unplug

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you."

— Anne Lamott

I've had to unplug myself lately. Unplug myself from the dramas of others and those things that pull me away from what really matters. There are temptations everywhere, fighting for our attention. Trying to pull us in. Traps set, awaiting for us to fall unto them. Leaving us feeling like we have no other option, but to continue on the same route, day in day out.


Oh how life sucks us in. The life that we have created for ourselves.
I know that I want a change in my life. An upgrade, is how I have referred to it in the past. It's like I have outgrown this experience and now I need something new. Something new for me and my girls.
But its not always easy to let go, of what we have.

Especially when it is something that has provided you with a sense of security, yet it has also been holding you back.


But I think each of us are getting over living in each others pockets, which is how it is when you live on a housetruck. My girls all want their own space and I can understand that. Lately all I have wanted was a door I could close and be alone behind.

Now that I'm working, I want to be able to rest a bit in the middle of the day, especially if im working two shifts. It's just not always possible though. When I'm tired, I get irritable easy, I really need some space. Bring wet days into it and I longer have the outdoors to rest in. So I've found myself getting irritable.


So I feel like I need to unplug for a bit, so that I can reboot and help myself along my new path. I'm not looking for drastic changes, I just want to have more space,for me and my girls. For all of us, to have space to be more creative. It would also be really nice to have a door, a door that I can close. One to hide behind, to rest behind, to be creative behind. I'm so ready for a little bit more space.

So yes, I've been unplugging from lots of things, different things here and there. Distancing myself from some folk, because I need all my energy right now, if I'm going to change things in my life.




I hope money rains on you in such a way you never have to work for it again 🙏 my sincerest wish to the Universe after reading you

Thank you my friend. I really appreciate you xxxxx

Wait what you're working?

Every woman needs a room pf her home to recharge.

I was reading about aspects of my chart the other day and one thing that stood out was how much I hate being drawn into other people's work schedules because I operate on my own emotional rhythms of busy, active and social and on the other end, darkness, quiet and solitude. Don't I know it!! I hate making plans for that reason... I don't know where my cycle will be at at that point!

I've got a few different jobs. going. Carer, cleaner, gardener. Full on multi tasking I am.
Yes a door, I need a door.
Oh you must be excited about your travels. Such freedom and moving at your own pace xxxx