Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind.
I totally agree to this,living on an already set life pattern of others is disastrous sometimes in that one is fully engrossed in such lifestyle and as such repeat the same mistake the afore time role model did. The bad part is that one might not even fully understand that he is into the mistake the role model did because of how engrossed he is already.
Am not saying learning from people's mode of life or lifestyle is bad, but creating your own pattern but from already led foundation of good things learnt from the role model, with this not much mistakes will be made.
Humans, individuals, must find their own paths and plot their own course in life. Mistakes will be made for sure, but that's how we learn, adjust and move on. Of course, taking some influence from others can assist in the journey as quite often others have been through similar things and the wisdom they gained from it can help others also...But, as you say, it's important for each of us to make and own our own decisions.
Yes mate, nice reply