Living with low self-esteem?

in Self Improvement3 years ago

Flowers grow back even after the harshest winters. You will too.

Jennae Cecilia.

A lot of people live with low self-esteem and it's because of how much they've been belittled.

During the weekend, I was by my window just watching the wind sway the forages while the animals grazed on them when I suddenly saw a little off figure curled up in the grasses and I knew that definitely what I saw wasn't an animal so I went over to the person because it was a kid actually a neighbor's kid who had run out of the house to find a place to cry.

I'm usually reserved, always staying in my little corner but when I see a kid in distress, I try to reach out to them because of what I went through as a kid too. What I faced was bad enough to make me grow old feeling like a nobody but I had a better fate so I told myself to always reach out to children who feel the same thing I felt years back.

I went to her and sat by her side. She looked pretty in her ballet dress but she wasn't looking good at all. When she finally got to talk, she told me how she sucked at standing on her toes and her teacher is always comparing her with the other kids her age who can do better. She says it happens everytime.

I felt bad for the kid but I grabbed her little hands and told my story of when I was little and she giggled. After a lot of talking, she felt better, wiped her tears and got on her feet. She literally found joy practicing with me (more like teaching me, I know nothing about ballet). We had to do it just so she could feel on top of the world. That feeling of teaching someone who can't even do a split. Lol. She was happy and thanked me with a warm hug. We became friends just like that and she went back home feeling energetic and loved.

It was of great pleasure to me that I could get that kid out of the negative thoughts playing in her head. Letting someone belittle you should be scrapped out of your head, mind and brain. We're all unique in our own way. Don't accept to stay down because someone said you can't stand up, refuse negative energy. The more you're talked down on, the more you should show them that you don't give a shit and I promise you that they'll stop when they see that they're wasting their time trying to belittle you.

Don't ever doubt your capabilities because you may be so surprised of how much of a super being you actually are when you decide to rise up. Doubt kills dreams faster than failure. That's why the first thing to do is believe in "you". The moment you can believe in yourself and in strength, the sky can't even be your limit.

Don't, I repeat, don't wear the weight of other people's judgements, expectations or opinions full of biases. Do what you love and what you know is right. Be happy and smile for there's only one you and that's all that matters.

Let me leave you yet another quote from Maya Angelou;

You alone are enough, you have nothing to prove to anybody.



That was so sweet of you to have helped that little girl come out of whatever she was feeling. I'm so proud.

Thank you so much. It's the little I could do😌

That child will remember you long after she forgot that teacher. Never underestimate the power fo the good things you do.

Oh! I'm sure she will and it gives me great joy. Thanks for your words