Lift: A Heist In The Sky?

in Movies & TV Shows3 months ago

If you are a fan of heist movies, then I’m telling you to stop whatever you’re doing and go watch this movie right now. Have you ever seen a heist within a heist happening in the sky? This movie is more like that.


Lift is 2024 crime/action drama about a smart thief and a loyal crew whose heists are only centered on arts. In all the heist movies I’ve watched, the thieves did it because they wanted to but this one is totally different because they were offered a deal by the interpol to steal $500 million worth of gold on a plane.

Let me first start with the actors. Kevin Hart did a great job with his role. I’m not sure his reason for taking on such a serious role because we all know him to be a comedian. But he found a way to remind us of how multitalented he is.

I was also intrigued when I saw Tokyo from money heist. I tried predicting her role in the movie based on what I watched her do in money heist but I failed because this Tokyo? Stop it! And it was the same for the rest of the cast. Nobody’s role was predictable in anyway.

The cinematography is a 100/100! Of course I wasn’t expecting anything less than that but you know what blew me away? The technological advancements in the movie. I mean I hear that technology can do a lot of things but I kept on going back to rewatch some scenes and even kept asking myself “so technology can do that too?”

What actually drew me into the movie was the plot twist. At a point I was shouting “oh my gosh!!!” to the extent that my mom had to check up on me if everything was okay. The plot wasn’t just twisted, it was twisted and braided. Hehe, I don’t even know if that makes sense but as I said I was shocked.

Oh and one thing about me is that I hate suspense so when I’m watching suspenseful movies, I forward them. Guess what happened this time? I didn’t even touch my screen till the movie ended. The suspense was too much but it was kind of sweet. I thought they were only playing mind games which I could deal with but after every scene, I found myself at the edge of my seat, waiting to see what would happen next.

The only thing that bored me was the script. I’m not sure if it was written by AI or they just wanted us to see Kevin as a serious guy but it was boring. Kevin was too straight to the point and I understand they had to be serious but they missed something. It’s a good thing there was so much action to pay attention to.

One thing I took from this movie is that sometimes to be able to get what you want, you have to do the impossible but the only difference between good and bad people is that, bad people don’t care who they hurt in the process. I loved every part of the movie and I will give it 7.5/10.



What a lovely review. You make me want to really watch it right now 😁

Kevin Hart acting a serious role, that's a first?

You know right… I was drawn in by that.

You should watch it if you like heist movies.

I do and I will 👍

What a lovely review. You make me want to really watch it right now 😁

Kevin Hart acting a serious role, that's a first?

This movie was crazy and the twist as the end wasn't something I expected at all. You did great with the review and I am going to check it out again.

Yes the twist!!

😂😂 you going to check it out again made me laugh😂

Seeing Kevin, I never considered it. The Man from Toronto was meh. Him playing a serious role sounds worse. 7.5, though... let's go. Was Tokyo speaking English?

Yes She was speaking English
Man from Toronto was comedy to me though.

I don't really love watching American movies, but watching this movie made me fall in Love with American movies, I can never get tired of watching it.

Oh that’s really nice to hear and I agree with you