What have you learned from watching horror movies.

in Movies & TV Showslast year (edited)


and editted by me

I was scrolling through my my phone's media when I came across this topic, and then it hit me - What have i learned?

I love watching movies, my favorite genre being "Horror". I know you already think I'm weird but i think you'll still want to know what to do if you ever find yourself in such a situation.

This is only my second article here. I hope you enjoy it.
I should warn you, there might spoilers from some of your favorite movies. I will try to balance the horror with some humour. With that being said, let us get right to it.

Don't go into abandoned buildings at night, they were abandoned for a reason



How often do you see horror movies or hear stories of bad things happening in abandoned buildings? As a young adult myself, I know how intriguing it can be to want to venture into abandoned buildings, mostly ones surrounded by conspiracies like "The mystery of Old Roger".
It could also happen that you were forced in through pressure from peers, like a dare. Please, no dare is worth your life.

You must have seen enough paranormal movies to decipher this for yourself. Some departed ones can be very territorial. Let them be.

We can site movies like Insidious, Unwelcome and even IT. I'm still puzzled as to why little kids would think they stood a chance against a very old and powerful demon. They didn't have to enter that abandoned building. They should have at least called the cops or something. I know you'll probably have an argument for this but let us go to the next

Never split up for any reason


Lets paint a mental picture.
"you are camping in the forest, a serial killer has turned this forest to his hunting ground".
Do you all split up - Every man for himself, or you team up, stay together and hunt the hunter?

There's a greater chance that you'll survive the ordeal if you stay together. I mean, at most, you only have to run faster than your friend when being pursued, it could mean the difference between life and death.

You can see why it pisses me off when people split up in movies. Have you seen "In the Tall grass". The only time they had a high chance of surviving was when they were together. I could give you other examples but I'm sure you have seen at least one.

If you suspect your house is haunted, it probably is, pack your things and move out



I don't have a lot of things to say on this. I mean.
You wake up at night to that the whole house is a mess, the cupboards in the kitchen is a mess, the living room looks like there a serious pillow fight but nothing is missing and your doors are locked. What do you do?
You decide to call a "Paranormalogist" . I'm not sure its even a real word but for the purpose of this article, please accept it. You might even decide to involve your local church or mosque in serious prayers. This might only give more attention and power to this "Entity".
What you should be doing is "Running", move out of that building. Live on the street even, anything is better than staying in that house. Oops, looks like I do have a lot.

If you suspect your teddy bear starts to look creepy, it's probably possessed.



Chukky, Annabelle among others, what do they have in common? We can analyze the fault the victims made that may have led to their untimely demise.
Thats right ...
do not try to destroy it
Do what any reasonable person would do. Move to another continent. Don't even for a second think you are more powerful than a doll. You aren't.

Never go into the basement alone at night



That sudden urge to want to chug down a beer at night or that wine that you probably stored in the basement downstairs is not a good voice. Drown it with water instead.

Haunted basements has practically become a stereotype at this point. Teen Wolf-where styles wanted to freak around with a close friend and a creature claimed her while she was alone. Scream-when the killer was hiding in the basement to get their victim.

Why do we even have basements in buildings anymore, it just feels like a recipe for disaster. Seal it up, you don't need it.

oh wow, I have written a lot, I might have to change the topic to "Part 1"

Let us add one more....

When you see people running, don't ask questions, just run


Don't try to be brave, just run. Ask questions later.

to be continued.