The acting was good (the actress was probably my favorite character in Kickass), but it suffered from the same problem as many sci-fi movies: a total lack of scientific realism.
Also, there was no explanation for much of the nonsense, including foundational issues such as who reprogrammed the androids, why they would be remotely programmable to start with, and if they were remotely programmable, why couldn't the programming be reversed?
And I found the plot pacing incredibly slow as well. About 15 minutes in, I was just waiting for the movie to be over, and in retrospect, I felt like I wasted a couple hours of my life.
There's much better stuff out there if you want to watch speculative science fiction (or better yet, read a good sci-fi book, they are less likely to let you down).
Hahahahaha yeah, I had like 3 moments where I wanted to stop watching the movie, Then I thought I've already wasted this time I better finish it to see if it has anything to show.
Thanks for your comment, if the sci-fi lovers read it, I hope they desist from watching the movie, as it would not fulfill their expectations. @altleft
You are a very forgiving movie critic :-) If I had 3 moments where I wanted to stop watching a movie, it would have to show me something very special to still rate a 7/10. Anyways, like you, I stuck it out, hoping for that something special that never came.