Hi guys. This is my first time posting here. First of all, I would like to clarify that I don't consider myself a scholar on the subject of movie and/or TV reviews, but I would like to leave my opinion as a common viewer in this and future works that I will post. They are just simple thoughts that I want to share with you to see if you agree or disagree with me. Without further ado, here we go.
A pesar de que soy gran admirador de la serie y la disfruto muchísimo he de admitir que me sentí un poco decepcionado al llegar al capítulo 12 de la 4.ª temporada solo para descubrir que un personaje tan bien presentado y gustado, (al menos por mí) con una historia simple, pero atractiva simplemente desapareció sin más. Furio Giunta, personaje de la tan gustada y premiada serie The Sopranos, será el centro de este post. Prefiero centrarme en este pedacito de historia que crearon entre los personajes de Furio y Carmela. Ella, esposa del gran jefe de tan importante familia, y él, un simple miembro traído de la madre patria a trabajar con esa familia.
Ahora bien, si bien es cierto de que era una historia secundaria y sin trascendencia, en mi opinión la privaron de ser mucho más que eso. Pues al inicio fueron sutiles destellos que no dejaban ver mucho más que respeto o agrado, pero a medida que transcurren los capítulos se nos presenta a una Carmela que muy a pesar de siempre ser devota y fiel a su matrimonio y a su cristiandad anhelaba la llegada de Furio todas mañanas para gentilmente ofrecerle esa tacita de café a la que él nunca solía negarse. Y aún más que eso a una Carmela infantilmente enamorada que hasta llegó a fantasear con Furio en más de una ocasión. Y se nos presenta a la vez a un Furio deseoso de un mundo en el que no existan reglas ni códigos sagrados que le impidan ignorar a su jefe y vivir toda una historia de amor con esta dama.
Although I am a big fan of the series and enjoy it very much, I must admit that I was a bit disappointed to reach episode 12 of the 4th season only to discover that a character so well presented and liked, (at least by me) with a simple, but appealing storyline just disappeared. Furio Giunta, a character from the much loved and award winning series The Sopranos, will be the focus of this post. I prefer to focus on this little piece of history they created between the characters of Furio and Carmela. She, wife of the great boss of such an important family, and he, a simple member brought from the motherland to work with that family.
Now, while it is true that it was a secondary story and without transcendence, in my opinion it was deprived of being much more than that. At the beginning there were subtle glimpses that did not let us see much more than respect or liking, but as the episodes go by we are introduced to a Carmela who, in spite of always being devout and faithful to her marriage and her Christianity, longed for Furio's arrival every morning to gently offer him that cup of coffee that he never used to refuse. And even more than that, a childishly in love Carmela who even fantasized about Furio on more than one occasion. And at the same time, we are introduced to a Furio eager for a world in which there are no rules or sacred codes that prevent him from ignoring his boss and living a whole love story with this lady.
Y este deseo en ambos va creciendo evidente, pero silencioso a tal punto que resulta en una tensión sexual tan palpable que a mí como espectador me tenía al borde del asiento implorándole al cielo y a los directores que estos dos personajes se dieran aunque fuese un besito, pero nunca sucedió nada semejante, ni siquiera en esa última escena juntos en la que quedaron de verse para ver decoraciones para su casa. Incluso pensé que sucedería lo impensable (como muchos) en el momento en el que Furio aprovechando la borrachera de Tony, sede al impulso e intenta matarlo, pero al final dudaba.
Ahora, independientemente de lo que haya sucedido detrás de cámaras (ya sea que el actor que interpretaba a Furio decido abandonar la producción o cualquier otro motivo que desconozco), siempre quedará un mal sabor de boca al pensar en esta pequeña historia dentro de la serie. Y sé que no soy el único que deseaba que estos dos personajes se adentraran un poco más en ese romance que asomaba ser inolvidable y muy problemático además, lo cual le hubiera dado un toque superexquisito y ardiente a la serie. En mi opinión, dejaron escapar una pequeña gran historia que personalmente hubiera dado lo que fuera por ver desarrollarse.
And this desire in both of them is growing evident, but silent to such an extent that it results in a sexual tension so palpable that I as a viewer was on the edge of my seat imploring heaven and the directors that these two characters would give each other even a little kiss, but nothing like that ever happened, not even in that last scene together in which they arranged to meet to see each other to see decorations for his house. I even thought that the unthinkable would happen (like many) in the moment when Furio, taking advantage of Tony's drunkenness, sees the impulse and tries to kill him, but in the end he doubted.
Now, regardless of what happened behind the scenes (whether the actor who played Furio decided to leave the production or any other reason that I do not know), there will always be a bad taste in my mouth when thinking about this little story within the series. And I know I'm not the only one who wished that these two characters would go a little deeper into that romance that seemed to be unforgettable and very problematic, which would have given a super exquisite and hot touch to the series. In my opinion, they let a great little storyline slip away that I personally would have given anything to see develop.
¿Que creen amigos? Coinciden conmigo?
Y bueno, esto es todo por ahora. Muchas gracias por llegar hasta acá. Nos vemos en un próximo análisis.
What do you think my friends? Do you agree with me?
And well, that's all for now. Thank you very much for making it this far. See you in a future review.