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RE: The Leftovers: a masterpiece of surrealism (my TV show review)

in Movies & TV Shows3 months ago

Hi, @duvinca

Dude visit the publication and something prompted me to do so. I answer the question that if I have repeated tv programs, I do it to experience another broader vision.
Regarding the topic I am interested because I just suffered 2 losses and the lines of your review indicates to me that it would help me to understand or accept the reality.
I didn't want to read the spoiler, but I assure you without pretense of inference losing loved ones for no reason or with reason is difficult, whether physical or distant.
This annotated series


Well some TV shows make us reflect, or maybe we see some life situations reflected. I'm sorry you lived those experiences you tell, but I appreciate you have stopped by and you feel interested in... hope you like it if you watch it. And my best wishes.