Review: Hello Goodbye and Everything In Between.

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago




I came across this movie on my Netflix account, it reminds me of the teenage movies I love to watch were it gives you the amazing and unique feelings about love & romance so I decided to give it a try and here is my review.


Clare is a beautiful girl that is focused on her career and has her life planned out while Aidan is a perfectionist that never want to take any opportunity twice but ones. They met at a Halloween party and Clare got to realize Aidan is the king of karaoke, they bonded so well during the party and Aidan insisted on taking Clare home. They had fun on their way back home but the weather was not on their side, when they arrived at Clare's house, Aidan tried to kiss Clare but she declined at first because she does not want a boyfriend in highschool, she has this perception in her head that they would break up and go to different Schools and break each other's heart, she was trying to avoid the mistake her divorced parents made during their days.

Aidan came up with an idea were they can be in a relationship for 1 year and break up after they have graduated and they agreed with a kiss.1 year pass and it was the last day of their relationship so Aidan planned an amazing last date were they get to relive their first memories together.


Aidan made sure they visited all the places they have spent together during the relationship.well Clare was still interested in the deal but Aidan thinks they can make it through.
late in the night, Aidan got injured and was taken to the hospital there Aidan mum reviewed a secret to Clare that Aidan has been hiding from her. Clare was so annoyed and confronted Aidan, it was an ugly fight but they were able to patch things up before the next day because Clare was leaving the next day to her University were she would study law.


they both decided to stick to the plan from the beginning, Clare pursued her dream and Aidan decided to travel to los Angela for a year to fulfill his music ambition.
During the summer break they decided to meet again.

we're not sure if they got back together but they were on good terms 😊.



I will give this movie 6/10, I love how everything happened in one night but I'm not impressed reality mindset won over love.
it would have been better if they both agreed to get along with the relationship because Aidan wanted the relationship but Clare was stubborn to admit she wanted the relationship too. so many people have succeeded with long distance relationship and I'm sure somebody struggled with long distance relationship will see this and lose hope.

Don't lose hope in Love whether far or near you, to be honest if the love you have is real 80% of the time you will feel the person is with you but you can't just feel them physically.

all images were gotten from my Netflix account