Shogun lo mejor que he visto hasta ahora [Esp/Eng]

in Movies & TV Shows11 months ago

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Versión Español

Hola mis amigos cinéfilos, volvimos
Después de una pausa volvimos, y esta ves para quedarnos, para darle más recomendaciónes de series y películas.
Hoy me toca hablarles de lo mejor que tenemos hasta ahora y es Shogun
Una historia súper genial que mezcal muchisimas historias entrelazadas, que se desarrolla y conviven de manera absolutamente fantástica, lo mejor que se ha visto en lo que va de año..
La mezcal de la cultura japonesa, samurái, el juego politico y de poder, las traiciones, estrategias todo todo absolutamente todo fluye de manera natural dinámica con una gran elegancia,me he vuelto adicto a esta serie y en cada capítulo de sorprende y jamás te decepcióna.
No dejes de verla altamente recomendable

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App de edición de Vídeo: capcut

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English Version

Hello my cinephile friends, we are back.
After a break we are back and this time to stay and give you more series and movie recommendations.
Today it's my turn to tell you about the best we have so far and it's Shogun.
A super cool story that mixes many intertwined stories, that develops and coexist in an absolutely fantastic way, the best thing that has been seen so far this year...
The mix of Japanese culture, samurai, political and power game, betrayals, strategies everything absolutely everything flows in a natural dynamic way with great elegance, I have become addicted to this series and in each chapter surprises and never disappoints you.
Do not stop watching it highly recommended

Hello my cinephile friends, we are back.
After a break we are back and this time to stay and give you more series and movie recommendations.
Today it's my turn to tell you about the best we have so far and it's Shogun.
A super cool story that mixes many intertwined stories, that develops and coexist in an absolutely fantastic way, the best thing that has been seen so far this year...
The mix of Japanese culture, samurai, political and power game, betrayals, strategies everything absolutely everything flows in a natural dynamic way with great elegance, I have become addicted to this series and in each chapter surprises and never disappoints you.
Do not stop watching it highly

Cover: canvas editing app

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Video editing app: capcut

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▶️ 3Speak


You have a talent for capturing the audience's attention with your great charisma and storytelling. I'm not much into period or warrior series or movies, but wow I've been looking forward to watching it after your review. Good stuff bro, congratulations ✌️

Thank you very much, the idea is to have a good time, and believe me this series is definitely worth it, you enjoy it, it teaches you, it catches you with the Japanese culture that I love.
Thank you for commenting

This is one of the best dramatic series ever made IMO. I'm loving every single episode.

Well I think it has a little bit of everything drama, suspense, romance, politics, strategy, lots and lots of Nike elements combined to make the series a great entertainment gem.

Ando preparando post. Extasiado con esta nueva adaptación.

Si es brutal