Hello, friends. I hope you are feeling well. Today, as always, I come to talk to you about topics that I like or that are of interest to me. Hive is my safe place, a space where I can always express myself freely and find different opinions. So, today I want to talk to you about three series in which the main character is a CEO, and see which of them you find most interesting. What do you think?
3. Cásate con mi esposo /Marry my husband

Este es uno de los mejores K-dramas del año. Lo vi por partes, pero debo decir que es el primer K-drama de reencarnación que veo. La protagonista ha sufrido mucho, lo que la lleva a no creer en el amor y a enfocarse solo en su venganza. Sin embargo, el concepto de “quiero ser tu tierra firme” le da un toque especial. Aquí encontramos a un CEO que ha estado enamorado de su interés amoroso desde su vida anterior, lo que lo hace aún más único y conmovedor.
This is one of the best K-dramas of the year. I watched it in parts, but I must say it's the first reincarnation K-drama I've seen. The main character has suffered a lot, which leads her to not believe in love and focus only on her revenge. However, the concept of "I want to be your terra firma " gives it a special touch. Here we meet a CEO who has been in love with his love interest since his previous life, which makes it even more unique and touching.
2. King the Land

Esta serie es querida por muchos y odiada por otros. Hace tiempo vi el primer episodio, pero terminé reemplazándola por otra. Sin embargo, creo que es el ejemplo perfecto de un cliché: el jefe enamorándose de su empleada. Tiene el suficiente encanto para atrapar a cualquiera que disfrute de este tipo de historias.
This series is loved by many and hated by others. I watched the first episode some time ago, but ended up replacing it with another one. However, I think it is the perfect example of a cliché: the boss falling in love with his employee. It has just enough charm to grab anyone who enjoys this type of story.
1. Propuesta laboral/Labor proposal

Sin duda, esta serie se ha vuelto icónica en todos los sentidos. ¿Quién no ha escuchado la famosa frase: “¿Sabes qué se compara esta tarjeta con mi amor por ti? Que ninguna tiene límite”? Es una serie divertida y peculiar que, con su temática y personajes, logra destacarse.
Without a doubt, this series has become iconic in every way. Who hasn't heard the famous line: "You know what this card compares to my love for you? None of them have any limits "? It is a fun and peculiar series that, with its theme and characters, manages to stand out.
Sabiendo esto, ¿qué series con protagonistas CEO han visto ustedes? ¡Los leo!
Knowing this, what series with CEO protagonists have you seen? I read them!