Hola querida comunidad de Hive, espero se encuentran muy bien. El día de hoy quiero venir hablarles sobre una película que la puede encontrar en Amazon Prime, yo la vi por ahí ya que estaba con mi novio y nos llamó la atención y se llama “Los Voyeristas” una filmación erótica que da muchos giros inesperados.
Hello dear Hive community, I hope you are doing well. Today I want to come and talk to you about a movie that you can find on Amazon Prime, I saw it on Amazon Prime because I was with my boyfriend and it caught our attention and it's called "Los Voyeristas" an erotic film that gives many unexpected twists and turns.

La película es del 2021, cuenta con las actuaciones de Sydney Sweeney (Pippa) quien sé que actuó en Euphoria, Ben Hardy (Sebastian), Natasha Bordizo (Julia), Justice Smith (Thoma) entre otros actores, aunque si bien ellos son los protagonistas. La historia gira en torno a Pippa y Thomas una pareja que recién se muda a vivir juntos en un departamento, al poco tiempo ellos empiezan a ver como los vecinos de al frente tienen relaciones sexuales y comienzan espiar sus vidas.
The film is from 2021, it features Sydney Sweeney (Pippa) who I know played in Euphoria, Ben Hardy (Sebastian), Natasha Bordizo (Julia), Justice Smith (Thoma) among other actors, although they are the main characters. The story revolves around Pippa and Thomas a couple who just moved into an apartment together, soon they begin to see how the neighbors across the street have sex and begin to spy on their lives.

La verdad vimos esta película aleatoriamente, sin saber que podíamos ver ya que los dos tenemos gustos un poco diferentes. Por eso sentimos que esta tenía algo que tal vez nos podía gustar a los dos (?) romance y erotismo, la verdad cuando comenzamos a verla sentimos que era pura morbosidad ya que se enfoca en dos chicos viendo a sus vecinos teniendo sexo (cosa que a su vez era como incomodo e ilegal), por otro lado la cosa se volvió interesante cuando Julia y Sebastián comenzaron a mostrar un poquito más de su vida por la ventana viendo que no eran el estereotipo de esposos perfectos que se veía, la cosa se volvió un poco turbia fue cuando Peppa y Thomas decidieron poner unos aparatos para escucharlos y Peppa desarrolla un cierta obsesión con sus vecinos.
We saw this movie randomly, not knowing what we could see since we both have slightly different tastes. That's why we felt that this one had something that maybe we both could like (? ) romance and eroticism, the truth when we started watching it we felt it was pure morbidity since it focuses on two guys watching their neighbors having sex (which in turn was kind of uncomfortable and illegal), on the other hand the thing became interesting when Julia and Sebastian started to show a little more of their life through the window seeing that they were not the stereotype of perfect husbands that was seen, the thing became a little murky was when Peppa and Thomas decided to put some devices to listen to them and Peppa develops a certain obsession with their neighbors.

Los personajes la verdad siento que se tocan de manera superior, tal vez la que vemos más vulnerable es a Pippa ya que es nuestra protagonistas y a los vecinos solo los vemos tras los ojos de ella, que si bien el tema de la visión y los ojos es algo importante en simbolismo ene l filme, a medida que va transcurriendo la película vemos como las cosas se le palen un poco de control y llegan a pasa cosas graves a consecuencia de esa curiosidad que le genero sus vecinos, en lo personal la primera mitad de la película me pareció aburrida porque solo vemos a su vecino haciendo cosas que no estaban bien y no había cosa interesantes, se va poniendo buena es desde un suceso que pone en peligro la relación de Pippa y Thomas.
The characters the truth I feel that they touch each other in a superior way, perhaps the one that we see more vulnerable is Pippa since she is our protagonist and the neighbors we only see them through her eyes, although the theme of vision and eyes is something important in symbolism in the film, As the film progresses we see how things get a little out of control and serious things happen as a result of the curiosity that her neighbors generate, personally the first half of the film seemed boring because we only see her neighbor doing things that were not right and there was nothing interesting, it gets good from an event that jeopardizes the relationship of Pippa and Thomas.

Morbosamente si hay escenas bastantes sensuales y clara atracción sexual, lo que me gusta es que todos son unos depravados y se vuelve oscuro lo que solo veíamos como una historia bastante pervertida, me gusto, tiene buenos diálogos que te hacen reir por su doble sentido o por su creaividad, otra cosa que es un plus fue el final, me gusto y tiene mucha relación con la introducción a la película le doy un 7.5/10 por lo que es un poco lenta para introducir lo interesante, pero la verdad la recomiendo para verla en pareja.
Morbidly if there are quite sensual scenes and clear sexual attraction, what I like is that everyone is depraved and it becomes dark what we only saw as a pretty perverted story, I liked it, it has good dialogues that make you laugh for its double meaning or for its creativity, another thing that is a plus was the end, I liked it and has much to do with the introduction to the film I give it a 7.5/10 so it is a little slow to introduce the interesting, but I really recommend it to see it as a couple.

El gif que son detalles que siempre uso al principio de mis publicaciones, lo tome de las herramientas de Peakd nos leemos pronto.
The gif that are details that I always use at the beginning of my publications, I took it from the Peakd tools we will read soon.
I saw it a while back, the highlight for me was Sidney's performance. I couldn't stand the actor who plays his partner, I didn't like his character, I was bored watching him. The final product is entertaining, I was expecting something different and more intense.
If she did a good job, the husband I feel went very unnoticed. I was actually bored so I did like the twists and turns hehehehe.
I like this story ,But it not in my taste. But i try to watch it soon.
Thanks for sharing us.
Thanks to you for reading💜💜
Its my pleasure.
Éstos sí son los verdaderos chismosos 😂. Me entró la curiosidad de verla. Veamos qué tal me va con tu recomendación!