Night Swim (REVIEW) / Aguas Siniestras (Reseña)

in Movies & TV Shows8 months ago

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======= ENGLISH VERSION =======

I start my review confessing that I don't like horror/suspense movies; but my best friend loves them and since we hadn't met for a while, we decided to go to the movies to break the routine and do something different in our reunion.

The story starts showing a flashback, a little girl goes out at night to the backyard of her house; she goes to the pool to pick up a toy and disappears mysteriously.

In the present day, the film shows Ray, a former professional baseball player, and his wife, Eve, together in a doctor's office.

The scene puts us in context; letting us know that Ray had to retire from his promising sports career due to a degenerative disease that threatens his physical health; as a recommendation, the doctor recommends Ray to practice a low-impact sport; for example, swimming, to keep the body active.

After leaving the doctor's office, Ray, his wife and two children (Elliot and Izzy) are looking for a new home, much more affordable now that Ray is no longer an athlete; they come across a two-story house with a swimming pool (just what they are looking for), so they decide to move in.



As Ray spends time swimming in the pool; he seems to improve his physical condition; however, his wife (who has always been leery of pools) becomes concerned when she sees the strange changes in her husband; not to mention; the boys, (Izzy and Elliot) have a couple of unpleasant moments using the pool.



I won't comment on the whole movie; but I'm sorry to say that I didn't like it (and it has nothing to do with me not liking horror movies).

The plot of the haunted pool is valid; and at the beginning the movie seems promising, (the disappearance of the cat, the altercation with Izzy's boyfriend; Rebecca helping Eve save Elliot) ; but the performances of the actors feel flat (especially Ray's performance); there are many plot holes and the ending; it leaves you puzzled, if not disappointed.



I don't recommend it; not even to watch it on a Sunday when you have nothing to do; I confess that I'm a little surprised that it had such a good box office in the United States; but good, good, it's not.

Did you see Sinister Waters and did you like it?
Tell me about it in the comments.


Inicio mi reseña confesando que no me gustan las peliculas de terror/suspenso; pero a mi mejor amigo le encantan y como teniamos tiempo sin reunirnos, decidimos ir al cine para romper un poco la rutina y hacer algo diferente en nuestro reencuentro.

La historia empieza mostrando un flashback, una pequeña sale de noche al patio de su casa; se acerca a la piscina a recoger un juguete y desaparece misteriosamente.

En la actualidad, la pelicula nos muestra a Ray, un ex jugador profesional de beisbol y a su esposa, Eve; juntos en un consultorio médico.

La escena nos coloca en contexto; haciendonos saber que Ray tuvo que retirarse de su prometedora carrera deportiva por una enfermedad degenerativa que amenaza su salud fisica; como recomendacion, la doctora le recomienda a Ray practicar un deporte de bajo impacto; por ejemplo, natación, para mantener el cuerpo activo.

Al salir del consultorio; Ray, su esposa y sus dos hijos. (Elliot e Izzy) se encuentran buscando una nueva vivienda; mucho más accesible ahora que Ray ya no es deportista; coinciden con una casa de dos plantas, con piscina. (Justo lo que buscan); asi que deciden ocuparla.



A medida que Ray pasa tiempo nadando en la piscina; parece mejorar su estado fisico; sin embargo, su esposa (quien siempre le ha tenido recelo a las piscinas) se preocupa al ver los cambios tan extraños en su marido; no está de mas mencionar; que los chicos, (Izzy y Elliot) tienen un par de momentos desagrables usando la piscina.



No comentaré toda la pelicula; pero lamento decir que no me gustó. (Y no tiene nada que ver con que no me gusten las peliculas de terror)

El argumento de la piscina embrujada es válido; y al inicio la pelicula parece prometedora, (la desaparicion del gato, el altercarno con el novio de Izzy; Rebecca ayudando a Eve a salvar a Elliot) ; pero las actuaciones de los actores se sienten planas (sobre todo la actuacion de Ray); hay muchos vacios en cuanto al argumento y el final; te deja desconcertado, por no decir decepcionado.



No la recomiendo; ni siquiera para verla un Domingo donde no tengas nada que ver; confieso que me sorprende un poco que haya tenido tan buena taquilla en los Estados Unidos; pero buena, buena, no es.

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