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Darth Vader
Nacido como anakin skywalker, llevado ante el gran maestro yoda, para ser entrenado por obi wan. Al no estar de acuerdo con las leyes pacifistas de los jedi considerandolos vulnerables, su prohibición para estar con su amor y la muerte de su madre, nuestro personaje definiría su camino al buscar venganza y tomar el lado oscuro donde en una batalla contra su maestro obi wan perderia y este moriría. Pero sólo moriria el personaje de Anakin seducido, enloquecido y destruido por las maquinaciones de su deseo de venganza, quien vive ahora es Darth Vader.
Born as anakin skywalker, taken to the great master yoda, to be trained by obi wan. Not agreeing with the pacifist laws of the jedi considering them vulnerable, his prohibition to be with his love and the death of his mother, our character would define his path to seek revenge and take the dark side where in a battle against his master obi wan would lose and die. But only the character of Anakin would die, seduced, crazed and destroyed by the machinations of his desire for revenge, who lives now is Darth Vader.
El Supremo comandante de la flota imperial demostraría su poder al conquistar la galaxia con una ideologia de no errores, una altivez por ser el Señor de los sith. Tomando el control de la rebelión y hundiendo a los jedi con sus estrategias Darth Vader Demuestra ser uno se los villanos mas completos
Incluso cuando 20 años despues del inicio de su reinado su hijo luke skywalker consiguiera destruir todo su imperio dandose cuenta Vader de todo lo que perdió al tomar el camino del lado oscuro.
Es uno de mis villanos favoritos por lo poderoso que es, por la estratégico, por como se impone ante sus rivales y demuestra no tener miedo. Y como a pesar de ser elegido y tener que elegir y decidir por el bien este se negó y tomó su propia decisión del bien y el mal. Nos demuestra que puedes cambiar tu destino sin importar quien seas o que seas.
The Supreme Commander of the Imperial fleet would demonstrate his power by conquering the galaxy with an ideology of no mistakes, a haughtiness for being the Lord of the Sith. By taking control of the rebellion and bringing down the jedi with his strategies, Darth Vader proves to be one of the most complete villains in the galaxy.
Even when 20 years after the beginning of his reign his son luke skywalker managed to destroy his entire empire, Vader realized how much he lost by taking the path of the dark side.
He is one of my favorite villains because of how powerful he is, how strategic he is, how he imposes himself on his rivals and shows he is fearless. And how despite being chosen and having to choose and decide for good he refused and made his own decision of good and evil. It shows us that you can change your destiny no matter who you are or what you are.
Megamente nos recuerdan que hay aún una infinita gama de posibilidades para contar la misma historia de superhéroes y, en este caso, de súper villanos.
Megamind remind us that there is still an infinite range of possibilities to tell the same story of superheroes and, in this case, super villains.

Vemos como Megamente luego de conseguir la victoria ante metroman sufre se una crisis existencial donde reconoce su error y se redimirse al enamorase de roxxane. su desarrollo y sus puntos de vistas se ven cambiandos a uno mas humano y el crecimiento del personaje se hace notar en cada escena viendo como megamente deja de justificar su maldad.
We see how Megamind, after achieving victory over Metroman, suffers an existential crisis where he recognizes his mistake and redeems himself by falling in love with Roxxane. His development and his views are changed to a more human one and the growth of the character is noticeable in each scene, seeing how Megamente stops justifying his evil.
Megamente está destinado a ser grande, pero nunca escuchó con claridad cómo iba a lograrlo. Su contexto y su realidad lo fueron empujando al lado equivocado, hasta que un día, la vida le indicaría el camino correcto.
Es en momentos como el personajes nos en enseña si hemos caminado por la senda correcta, o si en realidad requerimos de una reevaluación de nuestra vida, con tal de alcanzar la felicidad. Además tiene un excelente gusto musical para su soundtrack.
Megamind is destined to be great, but he never heard clearly how he was going to achieve it. His context and his reality were pushing him to the wrong side, until one day, life would show him the right path.
It's in moments like these that the characters teach us if we have walked the right path, or if we really need to reevaluate our lives in order to achieve happiness. It also has an excellent taste in music for its soundtrack.
Darth Vader is a timeless villain. That's for sure!
The force is with you, young Skywalker!
Un villano encantador, muy bien narrada tu publicación, éxito
Muchas gracias!! Saludos!
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