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RE: A review of "Wall-E" - a robot more human than humans themselves

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

Fictions are great to see, I've always wondered what will become of the world in a million years to come. We all have been consumed by technology, that's no news to humans. Here comes my question, is it possible for robots to have feelings? Because the last time I checked they are all programmed.
Based on the plot I can't imagine myself being alone on Earth, I'll probably go crazy for sure.
According to your review you said it won an Oscar, I'll probably check the movie out.


That's a great question actually and I have no answer myself to it. I work with artificial intelligence and the progresses that humanity is making in that field are truly amazing, but I think that to reach the level were we can make machines as sentient organisms is still far away, although not impossible, since the final goal actually is to mimic the human brain...
Actually it won an Oscar in different categories (5 if I remember correctly) 😉

5 Oscar's in one night!! Now that's insane for real. Thanks for the vote too