The Glory - Season 1 Episode 3 Review: She Got a New Henchman - The Revenge Starts

in Movies & TV Shows9 months ago


The previous episodes 1 and 2 successfully establish the beginning of a journey of the protagonist on her way to exacting revenge on those who hurt her during their time together. But episode two seems to focus on the sad narrative of the protagonist while she is very busy gathering information so that she can finally start her revenge.

The Film's Narrative

Episode 3 finally shows the beginning of the long journey of the protagonist to exact revenge on those who hurt her, intentionally, and wrongfully.


The episode was able to capture my interest to continue watching this series. I was reluctant to continue to watch this series because the ambiance of the last two episodes is very sad and it makes to think that the next episode will be the same. But when I watched the episode I finally got what I was looking for, the start, and the establishment of her new henchman to help her with her revenge.

Below is a screenshot of the protagonist and her new official henchman

I thought episode three would fail my expectations once again just like episode two. But then it got me more interested because she finally starting her revenge. The protagonist was also able to bargain with her new henchman, instead of paying her henchman she was able to convince her henchman to tutor her daughter which she happily accepts because she can't afford to send her to school.

Below is a screenshot of the protagonist and the daughter of her henchman while she is tutoring her

Though the last episode lacked the direction of revenge this episode (episode 3) gave me what I wanted, that start of her revenge. Though the revenge is not physically intimidating the emotional stress that the one who hurt is exceptional.

Below is a screenshot of the protagonist and her former teacher who wrongfully hurt her

Episode three is brilliant in showing how revenge can be made on those who do nothing by making their life miserable instead of killing them. Like what the protagonist did to one of the people that hurt her. She knew he had nothing so she was going to make his life miserable instead.

Below is a screenshot of the protagonist and one of the people that hurt her. In this scene, she seems to have the upper hand on her way to make his life miserable

And last but not the least when the protagonist made her first step in exacting her revenge to the leader of the group that hurt her. It will be interesting to see how she is going to do it since she is now the teacher of the daughter of the leader of the group that hurt her.

It is now clear to them that she is going to make the life of the people that hurt her miserable (and not kill them).

below is the screenshot of the protagonist and the owner of the school where she is going to teach


Episode three surprised me and exceeded my expectations. Episode three also made me curious about what the protagonist is planning since she is now making her steps one by one. With that being said, it gives me interest to further watch this series until I finish it up. I am sure, the revenge will intensify while nearing the last episode.

About the Author

@chenee is a bartender by profession, a plain housewife caring for my family. I love pancit, I love to play online games, and I also love to sing and dance

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