Stop all the whining.. Just be happy!

in Movies & TV Shows9 months ago


I mean.. are they being chased by murderous super bots anymore.. NO

Are they dead or have all their limbs cut off??.. NO

Are they a bunch of helpless types (not like emotional babies) or DO NOT possess all the needed tech?.. NO NO NO!

So why oh why were they all so sad and dismal like. Here they had been searching for 'Earth' for a long time, all the while dying slowly and living in total fear of a bunch of murder superior bots.

Not even 1 character on the entire show was like.. oh cool.. a challenge.. raw land.. breathable air.. NO MORE threat of instant death by robots! :P

Am I the only one who thinks this way?? I feel that way often, but thanks to the internet.. I know there are many many other self-relient/prepper/survival types out in the world.

I gotta say though.. the new centurions look awesome!

but the old fighters looked WAY cooler..

and the last episode was worth the wait! I luv a good fight and seeing the old centurions again was like seeing darth vader come back and kick all the new whiny star wars characters asses. :P