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36 años tuvieron que pasar para que se estrenara la secuela de una de mis películas favoritas, y una de las mejores de Tom Cruise y también de fuerzas aéreas. Cuando se estrenó la 2da parte no pude verla en el cine, no recuerdo el motivo pero paso un tiempo hasta que al fin la pude ver. No leí ninguna reseña al respecto porque no quería saber nada hasta verla con mis propios ojos, y debo decir que no me defraudo, puedo afirmar que valió la pena la espera porque es una película que cumple con las expectativas.
Solo lamento que la bella Kelly McGillis no estuviera en el reparto, pero entiendo el motivo por el cual Jennifer Connelly “tomo su lugar”, es una gran actriz e interpretó el papel a la perfección, me gusto como uso sus encantos para seducir en cada una de las escenas románticas del film. Tom Cruise, como es de costumbre, un actor muy prolífico que encarna muy bien a sus personajes, a pesar del largo tiempo sin interpretar al piloto Maverick Mitchell fue como si no hubiera pasado ese lapso ya que pude ver al mismo personaje, un poco más maduro, cargado de culpas e igual de intrépido; sin duda Tom es un gran actor.
Maverick Mitchell es como un súper héroe en los aires, un piloto legendario que ha encarado fieras batallas y realizado proezas, pero ya está viejo y debe enfrentarse a la dura realidad de la tecnología donde los drones van desplazando cada vez más a los pilotos. Me gusto este enfoque actual porque es necesario, y también me gusto como la película va tomando un contraste entre la vieja y la nueva generación, pero me gusto más que la vieja sale a relucir debido a su experiencia, algo interesante y muy real en muchos contextos de la vida.
36 years had to pass for the sequel of one of my favorite movies to be released, and one of Tom Cruise's and also Air Force's best. When the 2nd part was released I couldn't see it in the theater, I don't remember the reason but it was a while before I finally got to see it. I did not read any review about it because I did not want to know anything until I saw it with my own eyes, and I must say that it did not disappoint me, I can say that it was worth the wait because it is a movie that meets the expectations.
I only regret that the beautiful Kelly McGillis was not in the cast, but I understand why Jennifer Connelly "took her place", she is a great actress and played the role to perfection, I liked how she used her charms to seduce in each of the romantic scenes of the film. Tom Cruise, as usual, a very prolific actor who embodies his characters very well, despite the long time without playing the pilot Maverick Mitchell was as if it had not passed that lapse as I could see the same character, a little more mature, full of guilt and just as fearless; no doubt Tom is a great actor.
Maverick Mitchell is like a super hero in the air, a legendary pilot who has faced fierce battles and performed feats, but he is now old and must face the harsh reality of technology where drones are increasingly displacing pilots. I liked this current approach because it is necessary, and I also liked how the film takes a contrast between the old and the new generation, but I liked more that the old comes to the fore because of his experience, something interesting and very real in many contexts of life.

La misión central de la historia pasa a un segundo plano realmente, lo más importante es el drama que engloba la relación de Maverick con el hijo – Bradley - de su mejor amigo y difunto Goose, quien murió en la misión final de la primera entrega; fue magistral como la producción se enfocó en ambos personajes para crear un argumento sólido que tuvo mucho suspenso hasta el final de la película.
Como estoy acostumbrado a ver muerte de personajes principales pensé que uno de los dos iba a morir al ver el desarrollo de la historia, sin embargo tuvo un final feliz para ambos y también para su relación. Fue gratificante y una buena forma de solucionar las cosas, un tipo de “redención” diferente a lo esperado.
En cuanto a las escenas de acción, nada exagerado, la misión principal es típica de los videojuegos de aviones donde el tiempo es el mayor enemigo y también los muchos obstáculos para alcanzar el objetivo. Fue interesante ver como los aviones de vieja generación fueron más útiles en combate que los cazas actuales, y esto no porque fueran mejores tecnológicamente sino por los pilotos dentro de las cabinas quienes supieron aprovechar todas las prestaciones de la máquina.
The central mission of the story takes a back seat really, the most important thing is the drama that encompasses Maverick's relationship with the son - Bradley - of his best friend and deceased Goose, who died in the final mission of the first installment; it was masterful how the production focused on both characters to create a solid plot that had a lot of suspense until the end of the movie.
As I am used to seeing death of main characters I thought one of the two was going to die as I watched the story unfold, however it had a happy ending for both of them and also for their relationship. It was gratifying and a good way to solve things, a different kind of "redemption" than expected.
As for the action scenes, nothing exaggerated, the main mission is typical of airplane video games where time is the biggest enemy and also the many obstacles to reach the objective. It was interesting to see how the old generation airplanes were more useful in combat than the current fighters, and this not because they were better technologically but because of the pilots inside the cockpits who knew how to take advantage of all the features of the machine.

De nuevo se nota el contraste entre lo antiguo y lo actual, y no creo que haya sido el enfoque principal pero pienso que no se podía simplemente obviar debido a que Maverick siendo el piloto protagonista ha servido al ejercito de los Estados Unidos durante 30 años, así que hay un contexto detrás de todo esto y pienso que la forma en que se afronto fue la mejor manera de abordarlo.
Por último y para concluir, espero sea el final de la serie, termino a mi juicio con broche de oro y no necesita una trilogía. El guion puede descansar en haber entregado a los televidentes una historia original llena de suspenso, acción, romance, luto, odio, reconciliación y muchas cosas más que se pueden apreciar. Realizar una tercera entrega podría ensuciar el nombre de una producción que ha terminado por todo lo alto, esa es mi percepción. Si no la has visto, te animo a hacerlo, estoy seguro que la disfrutaras.
Again the contrast between the old and the new is noticeable, and I don't think it was the main focus but I think it couldn't be simply ignored because Maverick being the main pilot has served the United States Army for 30 years, so there is a context behind all this and I think the way it was approached was the best way to deal with it.
Finally and to conclude, I hope this is the end of the series, it ended in my opinion with a flourish and it doesn't need a trilogy. The script can rest in having delivered to the viewers an original story full of suspense, action, romance, mourning, hate, reconciliation and many more things that can be appreciated. Doing a third installment could sully the name of a production that has ended on a high note, that is my perception. If you haven't seen it, I encourage you to do so, I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Gracias por leer / Thanks for reading
Despite the long gap between it and the first movie, it was one of the best sequels I've ever seen.
Posted using CineTV
I think the same, every single aspect was very well taken care of, an example for today's productions on how to keep the same storyline regardless of time.
I enjoyed the hell out of this in theaters where I think it would be best enjoyed. The huge screen and powerful sound system makes a big difference in the overall experience. I think seeing it in a 4d theater would have been annoying though.
Also, I think the story would have been better if Maverick really had crashed like they try to make you think.
Yes my friend, in fact when that part happened I thought it had to be like that, but then comes the rescue and all the unexpected outcome haha.
I'm glad you saw it at the cinema, I can imagine how spectacular it was from your comment, too bad I couldn't see it on the big screen.
if you have a good sound system or even quality headphones I am sure it is good at home as well. Nothing beats a cinema though!
I have to say this one was a nice suprise.
It certainly was. I look forward to more sequels of this quality