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RE: (Movie Review) The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

Of all Stephen King's screen adaptations this is my favorite. A great movie that didn't receive more awards because it had the misfortune to compete against Furrest Gump.
That spiritual journey that you mention, the redemption of the protagonists, the script, the ending and the whole emotional theme are some of my favorite aspects of the story.
Greetings and thanks for sharing.


1994 was an amazing year for movies. Not only Shawshank and Forrest Gump, but also Pulp Fiction, The Lion King, The Crow, Speed, Wyatt Earp, True Lies, The Mask, Natural Born Killers, Stargate, Interview With The Vampire, The Professional, Dumb & Dumber, and Legends of the Fall, among others.

 2 years ago  

Wow! You're so right, what a year!