We’re looking to take the first steps in developing a feature-length film about the events that transpired with Steamit, Justin Sun, and Hive
Steamit = Steemit
Please make sure to get the wording right, as for sure we dont wont that in a script. Steem had a ton of confusion with the names because of bad initial design, and we can see its still continues :)
Steem - the blockchain
Steemit - the company and the name of one app (frontend)
In the photo you have the logo of steem and the name steemit.
About the question who to talk with, that would be the top20 witnesses at the time of the hostile attack, and probably some of the general public
there should definitely be whole introductory section of the film on how RIDICULOUSLY confusing the names were. If you can get Margot Robbie to explain it in a bathtub then all the better....
This is the way
We will try to look into this 😂
That oversight has me concerned for the accuracy of the final result of this.
Hi @pfunk, thanks for you feedback and I understand your concern. That was just a typing error and the photo was created by someone else so I apologies if it gives the impression we are not going to do the due diligence on the final script. I assure you that we are and that we will be having everything checked by key community members from our weekly community review team. It would be great to add you to that team on discord if you have the spare time once we get started?
Alright, send me an invite link
Thanks for the corrections @dalz, you are right and we will be more careful. It would be great if you could help out with the story and technical details. Could you drop us a message on @thedeltron on telegram, @The Deltron#6710 on discord or email [email protected]? And we can discuss further, cheers!