When they see us | an oustanding miniseries that leaves you full of anger

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

Hello Hivers,
When they see usis a short series of 2019 produced by Netflix. It is based on a true story of 5 young boys all afroamerican and hispanic who were accused then prosecuted on charges related to the rape and assault of a white woman in Central Park, New York City.



The Plot

It is based on the facts happend to a girl in 1989 in central park while she was joggin in Central Park (you can find also the cronical events as "Central Park jogger case"). 5 young boys were playing and having fun in the park and, all of a sudden, things get confused and the scene ends with the five afroamerican and hispanic were arrested for the aggresion and the rape of the girl.
The five young males were splitted by the prosecutor into two groups for trial. Each boy was convicted by the jury of various crimes related to the assault; four were convicted of rape. They were sentenced to maximum terms for juveniles except for one who had served his time in prison.

I will stop here with the explanation of the plot because I don't want to spolier much beacuse is think, if you haven't alredy watch it, it is an incredible miniseries.



3 Reasons why you should watch it

  1. It is really touching and you really link emotinally with these five young guys who are facing terrible accusations on some blurry and fake evidences. From the begging every clues were suggesting that the criminal actions were perpetrated by a single person but the police, since was not able to find others suspects, just insisted on them. Most of the confessions the police officers obtained were coerced and the ammision of guilt was the results of threats and brutal violence

  2. Another feeling this TV series triggered in me is ANGER. These poor young boys were prosecuted and convicted just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong moment and because of their ethnicity. Unfortunatelly, this still happens today. The TV series is a strong denounce to RACISM . The boys were really powerless in front of the brutal racist mentaly of these police officers. The authorities should always seek for the truth and a person should be innocent until proven guilty. But this is not true if the color of your skin or your are "different" ( I still don't understand who, at the dawn of the time, categorized people as "different" for the colour of the skin, for what they like or dislike, for who they love.. but i don't think i will ever undestand that).

  3. Another thing that left me really upset and made me really think is the phsycologial power that people with authority can have on others. Especially if you ar young and scared. These boys listened to the police officer saying that they are guilt that after a while their mind start believe that too. The way sometimes police use is power is really scaring.




In my opinion, but I'm not an expert, the young actors are really good and their acting is really effective. They really identify theirselves with the real protagonists of the story. A part from this, i think that the force of this TV series is the denouce of the racial injusties that still persist in today's society.

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