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RE: Avatar The Last Airbender Netflix live Action Review

I watched it while I was ill and I just wanted to get my mind off things and it served that purpose. I started rewatching it to pick out details.

That "my cabbages!" Part was my favorite in the cartoon and in the movie...I hope that's not the corny part of the movie you're talking about.

I'm also considering how I'll get you to write my IELTS exam because your English be like who go get top score.


I'm glad they didn't over do the whole cabbages thing but they slid it in for effects. I think he moved his business to Ba Sing Se, so we will see a bit more of it.

Yeah. What did you think about the fact that they took away the avatar's ability to be a natural when it comes to Water bending and gave it to Katara? She also does not have that distinct caregiver of the team that she had in the original story