Hola amigos y amantes del cine; quiero compartirles mi opinión referente a la película Mulan (2020) en Live Action, junto a los detalles que me han gustado y los que me decepcionaron. Tal vez muchos de ustedes ya la vieron desde su estreno hace dos años, y como sabrás, el filme ha dado mucho de qué hablar; sobre todo por las características particulares en la que los productores decidieron cambiar la esencia de su película original.
Primero, recordemos que el estreno de esta película se vio afectado por la pandemia de coronavirus; pues tuvo que atrasar su fecha de lanzamiento en varias ocasiones, para finalmente verse obligada a estrenarse a través de la plataforma de suscripción de Disney+. No obstante, eso no fue excusa para todas las críticas que obtuvo.

Hello friends and movie lovers; I want to share my opinion about the movie Mulan (2020) in Live Action, along with the details that I liked and those that disappointed me. Perhaps many of you have already seen it since its premiere two years ago, and as you know, the film has given much to talk about; especially for the particular characteristics in which the producers decided to change the essence of their original film.
First, let's remember that the premiere of this film was affected by the coronavirus pandemic; Well, it had to delay its release date several times, to finally be forced to premiere through the Disney + subscription platform. However, that was no excuse for all the criticism it got.

Debido a esto, el estudio de cine se defendió diciendo que su intención fue hacer algo diferente y haciendo más seria la trama. Realmente pienso que esta seriedad está muy acertada en todas las acciones de batalla, e incluso ayuda a darle un aire nuevo a la historia. Pero venga, ¿quitarle la esencia original? Creo que fueron un poco radicales.
Due to this, the film studio defended itself by saying that its intention was to do something different and making the plot more serious. I really think that this seriousness is very successful in all the battle actions, and even helps to give a new air to the story. But come on, take away the original essence? I think they were a bit radical.
No tenemos a dos personajes principales
We don't have two main characters
De cierto modo, si nos ponemos a analizar las situaciones, tiene sentido estos nuevos cambios, buscando dar un refrescamiento a la historia y ofrecer algo diferente a todos los espectadores. Aunque si tuviera la oportunidad de dar mi opinión a Disney, les diría que debieron considerar otra matriz de guión; pues, buscando mayor seriedad al asunto, pienso que cayeron en varios errores que ciertamente la gente no perdonó (de los que te comentamos en los párrafos anteriores).
In a way, if we start to analyze the situations, these new changes make sense, seeking to refresh the story and offer something different to all viewers. Although if I had the opportunity to give Disney my opinion, I would tell them that they should have considered another script matrix; because, seeking greater seriousness to the matter, I think they fell into several mistakes that people certainly did not forgive (of which we discussed in the previous paragraphs).
Impresiones finales
Final impressions
Y en cuanto al trabajo hecho en sus escenas, coordinación y producción técnica, decirte que está muy acertada la representación de colores en cada escena: con tonos oscuros cuando se trata de momentos de incertidumbre, o con tonos refrescantes cuando estamos frente a escenas de batalla.
And as for the work done in its scenes, coordination and technical production, tell you that the representation of colors in each scene is very successful: with dark tones when it comes to moments of uncertainty, or with refreshing tones when we are facing battle scenes.
Aquí abajo puedes disfrutar del tráiler de la película:
Here below you can enjoy the trailer of the film:

I saw this movie when it came out in 2020. Like many people I was really excited about the release. I was even singing along when they played a short instrumental of the song "Bring honor to us all" from the 1998 movie😆. But yeah, the movie was very different from what we know from Mulan. I don't have a problem with a different story especially with how cool the fight scenes were. My only problem was just how serious the movie was compared to the animation. I guess they just couldn't make a goofy live action adaptation with that type of plot.
@theawesononso Exactly, there is no denying that the movie is great in its fight scenes; but, perhaps that seriousness compared to the animated film was what turned many people off. Although I agree with some reasons of its director. Thanks for reading friend!
Deviating a lot from the original story, well, its fundamental elements, it's definitely going to stir up a lot of criticism. Heck, a lot of people loved the 1998 version. And then you go ahead to the things that made them really love the movie; the music and the lovable characters.
But then, I do agree with their intention. I mean, we already have the story, and we know exactly how it went. To then have the same exact story and everything but in a live movie is, well, the same just that it's played by real actors. That's okay, considering that they'll be 22 years apart. But then, it would be nice to see some element, which we actually all love, to be expounded upon; the action.
The action was always bound to excite the audience, so to do it with modern techniques and implementation was probably the idea they intended to follow.
I totally agree with your points on them removing the main characters. That's probably a little off the main line. It really would have been really great to see Li Shang in the live adaptation.
The movie may have been a little too serious, but that didn't pull it away from being enjoyable and worth the time. I loved it.
@olujay That's right, remakes mean precisely that: remake (a movie) adapting it to modern actions (in this case, with real actors). And taking Disney's clarifications, I agree with many of their changes; perhaps the "deviation" was slight, but enough to draw some criticism. And yet, as I said at the end of the post, I loved it too. A hug!
A hug for you too man!
nunca me animé a verla así que es difícil atacarla o defenderla, simplemente no me interesaba, aunque valoro varias de las decisiones creativas que observé en trailers y clips por internet... El problema es que la cinta animada era demasiado icónica y "perfects" como para necesitar el tratamiento live action.
De acuerdo contigo, la cinta original tiene mucho realce por su creatividad y música, y cuando se le hace un tratamiento distinto en el Live Action, se pierde un poco su esencia. Gracias hermano! @richardalexis
I haven't seen this movie since it was released probably because I forgot about it. After reading your review, I am disappointed to learn that this movie deviated from the original in great way. I'm going to see this movie just because I'm curious about how much it deviated because according to you, it's not (that) bad.
@uchescrib02 Yes friend, I invite you to see it, and maybe later we can establish another dialogue with our points of view. Well, we should not underestimate the work of its producers. Thanks for the comment
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Thanks for the information! @hivebuzz
Aún estoy por ver esta película y valorar las diferencias con la versión original. El trailer me llamó bastante la atención, creo que le voy a dar una oportunidad.
@rosana6 Me parece genial, hay muchas cosas de las cuales comentar (buenas y no tanto) jaja. Un gran saludo!
I must say I agree with you. . Even though it's not the usual story we're all used to, this one actually was worth watching. The action was on point and there weren't too many unnecessary scenes. Whatever their reason maybe you'll enjoy the movie if you're open minded..
Thanks for sharing ❤️
@chincoculbert Thank you friend for reading my review and for your comment! We agree 😁