Hola amigos || Hello friends
A few days ago I came home a little more exhausted than usual. I remember it was a hard day at work and I longed to be at home to relax and watch a movie on TV. So I did, I came home, showered, my wife had a delicious dinner, and I was ready to select what we were going to watch. We have been watching some classic series that I will tell you about in another post. Anyway, I wanted to do a little bit of gaming, so I played Mortal Kombat once and for all. I'm a big fan of this video game and I hadn't seen this movie and it had a lot of reviews and I didn't want to be disappointed with another failure of the franchise trying to make a new adaptation of the video game.

This almost 2 hour long feature film maintained a null plot and equally non-existent characters. There were moments where I really thought everything was going to get better but no, I couldn't get hooked on the movie. In fact when it started, everything was going well but in a few minutes everything fell apart. The pace of the fights wasn't bad, bad was that they didn't involve anything, just that, one more fight. Basically the movie was based on eliminating each other before reaching the fight that would define the welfare of the Earth. I did not find a convincing story and yes, it must be difficult to adapt the videogame to the movie when the videogame itself does not have a precise story beyond fights and fatalities.
Compared to the 1995 film, this one only improved its effects because it was something that was to be expected due to the era in which we live and even so, there were moments that were quite lacking in technology. It was very sad and frustrating, I did not expect this result. I mean, as I mentioned at the beginning I had read and heard very bad reviews of the movie and yes, this one has nothing but nothing of the essence of a good production and not to mention that the performances of each of the actors seemed to me quite poor except for Joel Edgerton who plays Kano who occasionally manages to break the ice between the viewer and the film.

I really expected much more, as I mentioned we are living a great revolution in technology and I really managed to think that many were wrong about this production. In the end it was me who didn't want to see the reality. So well, what I want to say with this, is that if you are looking for a movie with a good plot and good fights, this is not the option. Run while you can.
As I have said in previous posts, I do not intend to make a spoiler. This is just my humble opinion. Again, I invite you to watch it and we can share some opinions about this new production later on. But I advise you to lower your expectations.

A bordo de la nave
me despido, mi querida familia.
Saludos amigo, que buena manera de relajarse y pasar un gran momento, esa adaptación que sacaron de esa película es bastante buena, a pesar de que la duración es bastante extensa, pero más allá de eso ver cada una de los combates y la acción de la película es increíble, muy parecido a ese gran juego, además los personajes que lograron recrearlo. Una película que dio mucho de que hablar y tiene que continuar, ya que esa historia es muy extensa. Gracias por compartirlo con nosotros.
Bueno, cada quien con sus gustos 🤣😂 a mi pareció una película con falta de todo y mucho de poco 😂
🤣 ya ya... gracias. Nos has ahorrado un momento decepcionante.
😂🤣😂 de nadaaaa 🤗
Recuerdo haberla visto hace par de años; y sí, es una película malita (cuando menos). Con uno que otro momento llamativo. En cuanto a lo visual tampoco destacó. Siento que todo se mantuvo en un vaivén entre hacer algo "diferente" a los juegos o mantenerse en la misma línea, y el resultado fue esto que no es lo uno ni lo otro.
En definitiva, no debe ser un trabajo sencillo pasar la historia del videojuego juego a algo un poco más real. Atreverse hacer este tipo de trabajo es estar seguro de lo que harás pies queda en juego muchos nombre.
I share the same opinion as you, this movie was a big disappointment, the plot and the characters are lackluster compared to the games, not even the fights can save it.
No estoy muy fan de esta saga ni de los videojuegos pero puedo admitir que esta película sí estuvo bastante entretenida y la historia fue excelente.
Para mí estuvo pobre. Faltó mucha más historia o por lo menos una que encajara. Pero se mantuvo muy descontrolada. Claro, ese es mi punto 😃
De los mejores juegos de verdad que es un clasico muy apreciado de la pelea en juegos.