[ENG-ESP] You can not escape - DEATH'S GAME REVIEW PART 1

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Portada editada en CANVA
Fuente de imagen en PINTEREST
Emoji realizado en ZAVATAR

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Hello everyone, it is a pleasure to be here with you giving you this review of this drama that features the participation of many well-known actors, I honestly have not seen so many in a single series.


Our protagonist named Choi Yi Jae (played by Seo In Guk) is a quite studious and intelligent boy who anticipates and decides to apply for the company of his dreams. When he is on his way he witnesses an accident before arriving at said interview and the trauma of what happened cannot overcome him. He himself clarifies that he did not think that after that his life would be filled with many unfortunate events, especially that he would not get a half-decent job.

After trying for 7 years, he decides to end his life, leaving behind all his loved ones, especially his mother and his girlfriend.

Just when he thought it was all over, Death (played by Park So Damn) appears in front of him and explains that he will be punished for literally mocking death. This punishment consists of having to go through twelve lives and trying to avoid death at all costs. If all twelve opportunities are exhausted, they will be sent directly to hell.


Choi Yi Jae


I have to be completely honest, I don't care at all what happens to Choi Yi Jae, he is a character who from the beginning had fixed goals (which were quite good) but who during this punishment that is presented to him proves to be a person selfish and very materialistic, he doesn't care about anyone but himself... Just thinking about the amount of money he can earn (depending on the life he is in at that moment reincarnated) without thinking about the consequences. or logical acts to try to survive.

I feel very sorry for his mother and his girlfriend, who only remembers them as the episodes go by when he realizes what is going on. Still, I have a hard time feeling empathy for him.




I'm completely on their team, from the beginning we are given to understand that our protagonist did something (besides ending his life) that caused all of this to happen and receive his punishment.

I love that she makes it clear to him that she won't tolerate hearing him complain when he fails one of the tests and you'd rather send him straight to his next life so his punishment can continue. I honestly speak for myself and it represents me... The protagonist really falls hard HAHAHA.


This is most striking during the course of the series, as mentioned before, he must try to survive in each of these lives.

I'll be honest, in my opinion the first life was impossible to save haha, but from the second onwards you do notice the details... He did have great opportunities to survive, but his ambition for money is what led him to fail time and time again. again, making each death worse than the other.

The first part will take you to endless emotions, I even dare to say that each chapter feels as if it were a different series, each life has its own essence and makes us feel that everything is very different from the life we he had initially.

I quite like the direct connections that each of these lives have, although they only showed us a couple of them... In some way they are related to each other.

The end of this first part is going to surprise you with these plot twists, there are some things that may be predictable but others are definitely not.


  • Death is played by actress Park So Damn, you may remember her in her role as Ki-jeong in the Oscar-winning film "Parasites."


Park So Damn in "Parasite" TENOR

  • Actor Sung Hoon during one of the scenes related to skydiving, did jump from a plane to film said scene.

Sung Hoon TENOR

  • Actress Go Youn Jung along with actors Lee Jae Wook and Yoo In Soo previously participated together in the famous drama "Alchemy of Souls."
    Go Youn Jung in "Alchemy of Souls" TENOR

Lee Jae Wook in "Alchemy of Souls" TENOR

  • Actor Lee Do Hyun has participated in several dramas such as: Sweet Home, The Good Bad Mother, Hotel del Luna and The Glory.
    Lee Do Hyun in "The Glory" TENOR


The second part will be released on January 5, 2024. If you have already seen this first part, I would love to read your comments or if you have not seen it, would you watch it?

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Hola a todos, un gusto poder estar aquí con ustedes trayéndoles esta reseña de este dorama que cuenta con una participación de muchísimos actores conocidos, sinceramente no vi tantos en una sola serie.


Nuestro protagonista llamado Choi Yi Jae (Interpretado por Seo In Guk) es un chico bastante estudioso e inteligente por el cual se anticipa y decide postularse a su empresa soñada, cuando va en camino presencia un accidente antes de llegar a dicha entrevista y que por el trauma de lo sucedido no pudo pasarla. El mismo nos aclara que no pensaba que después de eso su vida estaría llena de muchos eventos desafortunados, en especial que no conseguiría un trabajo medianamente decente.

Tras intentar durante 7 años, decide terminar con su vida dejando atras a todos sus seres queridos, en especial su madre y su novia.

Cuando él creía que todo había terminado La Muerte (Interpretada por Park So Damn) hace presencia delante de él y le explica que será castigado por burlarse literalmente de la muerte. Este castigo consta que deberá pasar por doce vidas e intentar evitar la muerte a toda costa, si se agota las doce oportunidades será enviado directamente al infierno.


Choi Yi Jae


He de ser completamente sincera, no me importa para nada lo que le pueda suceder a Choi Yi Jae, es un personaje que desde un inicio tenía metas fijas (que eran bastante buenas) pero que durante este castigo que se le presenta demuestra ser una persona egoísta y muy materialista, no le importa nadie más que no sea sí mismo… Solo pensando en la cantidad de dinero que puede ganar (dependiendo de la vida en la que esté en ese momento reencarnado) sin pensar en las consecuencias o actos lógicos para intentar sobrevivir.

Me da mucha pena su madre y la novia, que solo se acuerda de ellas con el paso de los episodios cuando entra en cuenta de donde está metido.. Aun así me cuesta sentir empatía por él.

The Death



Soy su team completamente, desde un inicio nos da a entender que nuestro protagonista realizo algo (además de acabar con su vida) que dio pie a que todo esto ocurriera y recibiera su castigo.

Me encanta que le deje en claro que no va a tolerar seguirlo escuchando cada que se queja cuando falla alguna de las pruebas y prefiere enviarlo directo a su siguiente vida para que asi continúe su castigo. Sinceramente hablo por mí y me representa… El protagonista de verdad cae pesado JAJAJA.


Esto es de lo más llamativo durante el transcurso de la serie, como ya se mencionó antes, debe intentar sobrevivir en cada una de estas vidas.

Seré sincera, la primera era a mi parecer imposible de salvarse jajja, pero desde la segunda en adelante si notan los detalles.. Si tenía grandes oportunidades de sobrevivir, pero que su ambición por el dinero es lo que lo llevaba a fracasar una y otra vez, haciendo que cada muerte sea peor que la otra.

La primera parte te va a llevar a un sin fin de emociones, incluso me atrevo a decir que cada capítulo lo sientes como si fuera una serie distinta, cada vida tiene su propia esencia y nos hace sentir que todo es muy diferente de la vida que el tenía inicialmente.

Me agrada bastante las conexiones directas que tienen cada una de estas vidas, si bien solo nos mostraron un par de ellas.. De alguna forma estan relacionadas entre sí.

El final de esta primera parte los va a sorprender con estos plot twist, hay algunas cosas que pueden resultar predecibles pero otras en definitiva no.


La Muerte es interpretada por la actriz Park So Damn, la pueden recordar en su papel de Ki-jeong en la película ganadora del oscar "Parasitos".

Park So Damn en "Parasitos" TENOR

  • El actor Sung Hoon durante una de las escenas relacionadas al paracaidismo, si se lanzó desde un avión para filmar dicha escena.

Sung Hoon TENOR

  • La actriz Go Youn Jung junto con los actores Lee Jae Wook y Yoo In Soo participaron juntos anteriormente en el famoso dorama "Alquimia de Almas".

Go Youn Jung en "Alquimia de Almas" TENOR

Lee Jae Wook en "Alquimia de Almas" TENOR

  • El actor Lee Do Hyun a participados en varios doramas como: Dulce hogar, La Buena Mala Madre Hotel del Luna y La Gloria.

Lee Do Hyun en "La Gloria" TENOR


La segunda parte será estrenada el 5 de Enero del 2024. Si ya te viste esta primera parte me encantaría leer sus comentarios o si no lo has visto ¿Lo verías?.

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Una serie que me ha dejado intrigada, definitivamente Choi Yi Jae no es el típico protagonista que te caiga bien y eso lo hace interesante. Excelente reseña 🤩