Favorite actors & actresses / Actores y actrices Favoritos 🎬📽🎞

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

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In today's post I wanted to share my participation in the contest: Who is your favorite actor and actress, and as it is a very interesting initiative, I would like to share my two favorite actors and actresses since I can remember watching their movies which are: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Cobie Smulders and Rachel McAdams.

If you want to participate you can see the rules below or click directly on the post:
Who is your favorite actor and actress?.

Yo en la publicación de hoy quería compartir mi participación en el concurso: Who is your favorite actor and actress?, y como es una iniciativa muy interesante, me gustaría compartir mis dos actrices y actores favoritos desde que tengo memoria viendo sus películas que son: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Cobie Smulders y Rachel McAdams.

Si deseas participar puedes ver las reglas a continuación o hacer clic directamente en la publicación:
Who is your favorite actor and actress?

Contest Rules

Your post must be related to your favorite actor and actress and the movies that impacted you the most with their performances (NO biographies or technical data that are on the internet).
Your post must include an actor and an actress
You must post your entry in the Movies & TV Shows Community (no crossposting).
No plagiarised content will be accepted.
You must use image sources or use your own screenshots and images.
You must post a link to your entries in the comments section of this post.

Entries must be posted before July16. You must use the #actorscontest tag.

Christian Bale


Christian Bale is my first favorite actor, and the reason I find is because he is extremely incredible when it comes to playing roles on the screen, as he has gone from psychopathic killer to night hero, from being the toughest cop against crime to being a racist who kills black people, from being Jon Connor in a post apocalyptic world to giving his voice for Disney movies. He is an actor with many facets in the history of cinema and has earned a good or rather incredible reputation, as well as different awards for his performance among these the Oscar for best supporting actor.

Chistian Bale es mi primer actor favorito, y la razón que encuentro es porque es sumamente increíble a la hora de interpretar papeles en la pantalla, ya que ha pasado de asesino psicópata a héroe nocturno, de ser el policía más duro contra el crimen a ser un racista que mata a personas negras, de ser Jon Connor en un mundo post apocalíptico a dar su voz para películas de Disney. Es un actor con muchas facetas en la historia del cine y se ha ganado una buena o más bien increíble reputación, así como diferentes premios por su actuación entre estos el Oscar como mejor actor de reparto.


But, of all his good performances, the one that stands out the most for me are: Public Enemies from 2009, where Christian Bale plays FBI agent Melvin Purvis in his fight against John Dillinger played by Johnny Depp, at a time when organized crime was rampant in the United States.

The second and one of the most iconic performances of Christian Bale is in Batman The Dark Knight, although the whole trilogy fascinated me it was the second part where the Joker appears, where the character is more exploited taking him to the limit. And Christian knows how to make Batman rise to the occasion. There are also other impressive things like the time he was going to play Trevor in The Machinist in 2004 and he had to lose a lot of weight and muscle mass and then to film Batman Begins in 2005 he gained it again, very surprising.

Pero, de todas sus buenas actuaciones, la que más destaca para mí son: Enemigos públicos del 2009, donde Christian Bale interpreta al agente del FBI Melvin Purvis en su lucha contra John Dillinger interpretado por Johnny Depp, en una época donde el crimen organizado desbordaba en estados unidos.

la segunda y una de las actuaciones más icónicas de Christian Bale es en Batman The Dark Knight, aunque toda la trilogía me fascino fue la segunda parte donde sale el guasón, donde más se explota al personaje llevándolo al límite. Y Christian sabe cómo poner a Batman a la altura de las circunstancias. También hay otras cosas impresionantes como la vez que iba a interpretar a Trevor en The Machinist en 2004 y tuvo que perder mucho pero mucho peso y masa muscular y luego para filmar Batman inicia en 2005 la gano de nuevo, muy sorprendente.


Tom Hardy

My second favorite actor is Tom Hardy, a true icon of raw stories and drama in cinema, although Tom has participated in different impressive films such as: Peaky Blinders, Batman or Mad Max. The films that stand out the most for me are Lawless and Child 44, as his characters in these two films generate suspense and intrigue.

Mi segundo actor favorito es Tom Hardy, un verdadero icono de las historias crudas y de drama en el cine, aunque Tom ha participado en diferentes rodajes impresionantes como: Peaky Blinders, Batman o Mad Max. Las películas que más destacan para mí son Lawless y Child 44, ya que sus personajes en estas dos cintas generan suspenso e intriga.


For example, in Lawless, Tom lives the character of Forrest, a farmer who becomes a liquor dealer in the time when alcohol was illegal in the United States, this character is amazing because his way of being is cruel, hard and calculating. Also, it is amazing how many things happen to him and he doesn't die, but the funny thing is that he dies of a simple cold haha.

Por ejemplo, en Lawless, Tom vive el personaje de Forrest, un granjero que se vuelve traficante de licor en la época donde era ilegal el alcohol en estados unidos, este personaje es increíble ya que su manera de ser es cruel, dura y calculadora. Además, es sorprendente como le pasan muchas cosas y no se muere, pero lo gracioso es que se muere de un simple resfriado jaja.


Child 44 is another fascinating film by Tom Hardy where he plays Leo Demidov, a member of the Soviet Union's secret police. This is a film that touches on points that the vast majority of people forget or ignore since all the attention was taken away by the Nazis after WWII. Since history says that many people died in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union because of bad policies or because the Soviet government murdered them. But besides that Child 44 looks into the life of a pedophile and the policeman Leo must catch and imprison.

Child 44 es otra película fascinante de Tom Hardy donde interpreta a Leo Demidov, un miembro de la policía secreta de la unión soviética. Esta es una película que toca puntos que la gran mayoría de las personas olvidan o ignoran ya que toda la atención se la llevaron los nazis luego de la segunda guerra mundial. Ya que la historia dice que muchas personas murieron en los territorios ocupados de la unión soviética por malas políticas o porque el gobierno soviético los asesinaba. Pero además de eso Child 44 mira hacia la vida de un pedófilo y el policía Leo debe atrapar y encarcelar.


Rachel McAdams

Rachel McAdams is my platonic love since I saw her 2004 movie Heavy Girls as she fulfills everything I love in a woman, in fact, my wife looks a lot like her haha, Rachel is known for playing intriguing, comedic and romantic roles, plus her beautiful face and lovely eyes make you stay watching the whole 90 minutes of the movie no matter if the romantic genre is not your thing.

Rachel McAdams es mi amor platónico desde que vi su película Chicas Pesadas del 2004 ya que ella cumple con todo lo que me encanta de una mujer, de hecho, mi esposa se parece mucho jaja, Rachel se caracteriza por interpretar papeles intrigantes, de comedia y románticos, además su hermoso rostro y sus ojos encantadores hacen que te quedes viendo todos los 90 minutos de película sin importar si el género romántico no es lo tuyo.


About time is his movie that fascinated me the most, and interprets the platonic love of a boy who has powers to travel to the past, and uses them to conquer it twice. About Time is a romantic comedy loaded with drama and sensitive moments, the most touching being when Tim's father passes away and he can no longer turn back time.

About time su película que más me fascino, e interpreta el amor platónico de un chico que tiene poderes de viajar al pasado, y los usa para conquistarla dos veces. About Time es una comedia romántica cargada con drama y momentos sensibles, el más conmovedor es cuando el padre de Tim fallece y ya no puede retroceder el tiempo.


And the movie Night Flight was another one that changed the way Rachel's movies are interpreted, since it is not romantic or comedy, but suspense and intrigue. She has to face an assassin who wants to use her to achieve his goal and threatens to harm her father. It has several plot twists, but Rachel always maintains the essence of the character throughout the film.

Y la película vuelo nocturno fue otra que cambio la manera de interpretar películas de Rachel, ya que no es romántica o de comedia, sino de suspenso e intriga. Ya que tiene que enfrentar a un asesino que la quiere usar para lograr su objetivo y la amenaza con hacerle daño al padre. Tiene varios giros de la trama, pero Rachel siempre mantiene la esencia del personaje en toda la película.


Cobie Smulders

Lastly, there is Cobie Smulders, another canadience who has played lesser known roles in film but still very iconic.

Por ultimo esta Cobie Smulders, otra canadience que ha interpretado papeles menos conocidos en el cine pero de igual manera muy iconicos.


The role with which I met Cobie was in How I Met Your Mother, one of the best series I've seen, without exaggeration I can say that it exceeds in 1000 to Friends which is overrated. HIMYM is a romantic comedy that focuses on the story of Robin and Ted, so in the 4 seasons we see a lot of her on screen. There is no doubt that Cobie's role in HIMYM is Legen... Wait for... Dary... Legendary.

El papel con el que conocí a Cobie fue en How I Met Your Mother, una de las mejores series que he visto, sin exagerar puedo decir que supera en 1000 a Friends que esta sobrevalorada. HIMYM es una comedia romántica que se centra en la historia de Robin y Ted, así que en las 4 temporadas la vemos mucho en pantalla. Sin duda que el papel de Cobie en HIMYM es Legen... Wait for... Dary... Legendary.


Another supporting role that cobie has done is as maria Hill in some Marvel movies, being the right hand of Nick Fury, in this role she is a tough agent and very cunning in terms of combat and use of weapons, which makes you have a different view of a comedy character, and the truth makes it wonderful. Something I would love is if they made her a series or a movie since there would be more of Cobie on screen hahaha.

Otro papel secundario que ha hecho cobie es como maría Hill en algunas películas de Marvel, siendo la mano derecha de Nick Fury, en este papel es una agente ruda y muy astuta en cuanto a combates y uso de armas, lo cual hace tener una óptica distinta de un personaje de comedia, y la verdad lo hace maravilloso. Algo que me encantaría es que le hicieran una serie o una película ya que habría más de Cobie en pantalla jajaja.


Well, this has been all, these have been 4 of the favorite actors and actresses for me, I hope you liked my opinion and if they are also your favorites comment which roles you liked the most. Thank you very much for reading, I hope you have a great day....

Bueno, esto ha sido todo, estos han sido 4 de los actores y actrices favoritos para mí, espero quete haya gustado mi opinión y si también son tus favoritos comenta que papeles te han gustado más. Muchas gracias por leer, espero que tengas un excelente día...

Fabian98 (1).gif


Tom Hardy steals the screen with any role he plays, he stars in a series called Taboo, very good, worth watching.
What I liked most about Rachel McAdams is her interpretation of Detective Ani Bezzerides in the second season of True Detective.
And Cobie Smulders, eternally Robin Scherbatsky, personally I will always love her. Every time I see her I say "I love you Robin". Her role as Robin in How I Met Your Mother is transcendental, I can't remember how many times she made me laugh and cry. I think Robin is the one character in a "comedy" series whose story has been so cruel and painful, Robin did get beaten up by life and she always knew how to get through it.
P.D: You are right about one thing: HIMYM is the best comedy series in the history of all comedy series in the world. it's scientifically proven!

Sure, even with some comedy like Venom was pretty good.

And of course, I failed to mention that role of Rachel in True Detective, although I didn't see the whole season I was a little disappointed with the ending, I thought she was going to have the same fate as Farrel Collins.

And I totally agree with what you say about Robin, she is a character that also won me over :D

Thank you very much for your excellent comment my friend...

Cristian Bale would be my top in the "old but still quite young" level, while the rest of them are really good actors and actress, thank you for this piece, it gave me a solid idea of what to do with this contest :)

christian Bale is a classic in his way of making movies :D

Thank you very much for your comment, and I'm glad I helped you, I was also guided by someone else's article hahaha.

Bale tiene muchísimo rango, aunque lo conocí por Batman luego descubrí que había hecho muchas cosas variadas y en casi todo resulta estupendo. Estoy ansioso por verlo de villano en Thor Love and Thunder.

De Cobie se poco, aunque HIMYM fue suficiente para amarla.

I'm also waiting to see what her role in Thor will be like,and well cobie although she doesn't have so many known roles, the ones she has done have made enough of an impact :D

Excelente elección, Christian Bale desde niño fue el mejor, nada más hizo El imperio del sol y uffff me volví su fan, en cambio a Hardy lo conocí ya de grande jeje en Child 44, me encanta. Saludos

Hey I didn't know that role of Bale, but it would be interesting to see him as a kid haha.

Thank you very much for commenting :D

 3 years ago  

Fabian tremendos actores, hiciste una gran selección, tambien me encanta Rachel McAdams, creo que es una mujer que transmite bellos sentimientos, su sonrisa es espectacular, da frescura a cualquier película en la que participe. Ni habla de Christian Bale, el trabajo que hizo en el Poder del Perro deja claro que este hombre es un camaleón.

Hahaha we think the same about McAdams hahaha, and although I have not seen that role of Bale, if I know that he can do any role and adapt very well as you say, thanks for commenting :D

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