Hello moviegoers! I hope you have a great start of a new week! 😎
I don't know about you, but the beginning of a new week seems great on my end, especially that just a few moments ago I found out that the Season 5 of Mayans M.C. was just confirmed. I doubt there are people who didn't hear about this one yet, especially that is well connected with Sons of Anarchy which kept many people's TV turned on for 7 seasons, but honestly, I started watching this series like a month ago and together with my boyfriend managed to see all four season in no time!
It was funny because I actually wanted to see it by myself being passionate about motorbikes and this different world but when he noticed a few scenes from the first episode, he said to start it all over again and watch it together. Since then, we didn't miss any episode, nor action which is very well written and will keep you busy for a while.
And here's the official announcement made by the main actor on his Instagram account which I started to follow since I watched the first episode, lol!
If you are a "Fast & Furious" or "Twilight" fan, then JD might look familiar to you because he appeared in both of these but of course not being the main character while he was looking a lot more different than it looks in Mayans M.C.. However, I think this series suits him the best presenting lots of professional acting and many situations he needs to get through.
Anyway, let's better take this step by step in case it's the first time you hear about this series!
"Mayans M.C." is an American crime and drama series created by Kurt Sutter who's also responsible for Sons of Anarchy. He spent lots of his personal time living amongst the members of a motorcycle club for research purposes and to bring in front of the fans a really successful series but which came to an end when the investments turned out a lot bigger than the profits earned.
However, Mayans M.C. seems just another treasure in terms of TV series created by the same producer which managed to gain a lot more interest and success making him release more seasons than were originally planned, but which are no less good.
While both of the series present basically the same fictional universe with fights between motorcycle clubs, illegal deals but also emotional problems from each person's life, in Mayans M.C. it's not about a rivalry between two clubs anymore but more of a rivals-turned-allies situation that came as a surprise for many people out there.
The first episode begins quite gradually by presenting the business of the motorcycle club that has a collaboration with the most powerful cartel from Santo Padre which is selling and delivering drugs. What I loved of this one, is that the whole action is only based on selling and delivering drugs instead of seeing people who take drugs and get high which is a scene pretty powerful for many people out there.
On the same line, J. D. Pardo playing Ezekiel gets out of prison after he spent a few years locked due to killing a cop while he was chasing the killer of his mother. Even though everything was just a mistake, EZ is released sooner than planned but with a great burden on his shoulders after he makes an agreement with the police to get introduced to the motorcycle club and offer them details from the inside.
However, amongst the main members of the club there is also his brother and some other people that will turn out as very good friends sooner or later, so do expect to see lots of twists when it comes to respecting the agreement made with the police.
Anyway, be aware that Mayans M.C. is not just about guns, drugs and bad boys but also about ex-lovers, hidden information, dangerous enemies of the past, broken families, and other surprises that won't hesitate to pop up just when you thought the whole mystery was elucidated.
Hence why, no matter how many problems you will see in the first season, there will be more and more coming out with each episode you watch making you have doubts who's good and who's bad and what are the real intentions of each character of the movie, where (thanks God!), there are a lot.
I'm saying that because along with the various characters you will see presenting both their personal lives but also what they do when they are with the club, you will have plenty of options to decided whom is your favourite, what story is most similar with yours, but also explore loth of behaviours while everyone has its own personality.
Anyway, as much as I'd like to take step by step each of the seasons and discuss them, that will end up in revealing lots of spoilers which is not my intention here. What I can say instead, is that Mayans M.C. is a real TV series from the first episode to the last one, that will stay away from boring scenes or moments when you feel like they forced a bit the release of more episodes than it should.
There's nothing I can complain about because every single actor played their roles amazingly even if they had to get through more situations than someone would expect, making you have various emotions while watching the episodes.
There's not much of music that you will hear along the four (current) seasons of the series, but each of these were picked just right and when you get to hear a soundtrack played in the background while watching a scene, you will feel instantly that it's the right chosen one.
Mayans M.C. is not just a great TV series but also a mix of emotions, feelings, moods, situations and all kinds of real-life problems that someone can confront with at some point which doesn't hesitate to present more or less successful methods to resolve them.
Even though it's a series that originally started from a different series, there is no problem watching this one without seeing Sons of Anarchy first because the whole action and scenery are presented from the beginning to be friendly with everyone that press the "PLAY" button.
Another interesting aspect is that even though the series presents the main story of the main actor who struggles to rank up from being a prospect in the club to becoming a genuine member while trying to resolve the problems of the past, the series evolves with each season released coming with new twists and situations everyone needs to face.
The biggest mistake you can do though, is comparing Mayans M.C. with Sons of Anarchy which is the trap many people fall in, because as many things they have in common, as much they have their own storyline and twists making them both worth being watched.
Have you seen "Mayans M.C." Series?
And if so, what was your favourite actor and season?
Personally, I loved EZ, but Coco got my attention too since he was facing lots of other problems outside of the club. However, the way season 3 started made me not like him that much anymore but it was just for a while until things returned on the correct path.
Details | |
Release Date | 4th Sep, 2018 (United States) |
Duration | 1h |
Seasons | 4 (5th in the making) |
Episodes per season | 10 |
Director | Kurt Sutter |
Main Actors | J. D. Pardo, Clayton Cardenas, Michael Irby |
Genre | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Production | FX Productions |
IMDb Rating | 7.5/10 |

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Definitely this series is already a whole universe and I still don't know which one to start watching.
What I find interesting is that this series does not focus only on the life of the main character but allows us to see several stories of several characters at the same time.
Well, I already have another suggestion to watch in case I decide to dive into a series again.
Thanks for sharing this post friend @gabrielatravels . Greetings and successes to you ☺️👋👋
Absolutely! That's one of the things that I loved so much on the series. That it focuses on more characters's personal lives and situations they have to face instead of the one of the main character only. So many things to learn from! ❤️
Thank you so much! I appreciate you for stopping by and I hope you have a beautiful week ahead! 🤗
I don't think I can remember him from fast and furious 😩😩...but this movies sure looks like something I'll love.
The way you've told the storyline actually catches my interests, but then it's seasonal I'll have to start from the first season...sounds like a lot of fun
I love bikes and since it's a bike movie, it's perfect..
Thanks for sharing with us ❤️
Honestly the number of seasons made me be scared a bit too, because I rarely start a new series and it usually has maximum 2 seasons but the love for motorcycles made me give it a try and I don't regret a minute spent watching its episodes ❤️
I'm on episode 4x04, I had stopped watching it, I wasn't sure if it was going to be renewed for a 5th season. I'm going to pick it up again. I must tell you that I'm a fan of SOA, I've seen it 5 times, and that's why I decided to watch Mayans MC, the fact that I'm involved makes it mandatory to watch it. I have never compared them because it would be like comparing Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, with The Mandalorian, they are different stories in the same universe. The truth is that, either way, in this Kurt Sutter's universe, we are always going to find good stories, excellent performances and extraordinary music, which guarantees a good experience.
I totally agree with what you said about Kurt and I'm really happy with the explanation that it would be stupid to compare the two just as it would be Star Wars Vs The Mandalorian. Really smart!
Anyway, I can see why you stopped at the 4th episode because I sort of thought it's going to be a boring season at the beginning but if you start watching it again you will see that it's worth it and it's a must to have a season 5 which is currently in the making, yay!
Thank you for stopping by, reading and taking the time to share your thoughts. Hope you have a nice day! 🙌