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RE: How different is the book from The Hobbit movies?

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago

Talking about LOTR will never go out of style, in my opinion. I did understand that a fantasy TV show by that name came out recently, but I didn't know it was based on some books. Did you like the adaptation? Thanks for ur comment, btw<3


I am a long time fan of The Wheel of Time books, and I had read them many years before the TV show was made. I read them in high school and afterwards. Consequently, it is hard for me to say very much about the TV show. The Wheel of Time show has pretty good casting; in general the characters feel very much like the people from the books.

I am writing more about it. I will post it here on Hive soon, but I think I will post in the the Books community.

It's difficult for us readers to separate the book and the adaptation, especially when it comes to our expectations. I hope you publish the post soon to read it and know more about this saga!