Hello đź’™
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EL universo de marvel cada vez más se expande en el cine, y es que sus pelĂculas son una de las pocas que siguen siendo rentables en el medio cinematográfico, muestra de ellos es el Ă©xito que ha tenido doctor strange en el multiverso de la locura y claro spiderman no way home, y esta nueva entrega de Thor tiene el Ă©xito garantizado es entretenida, es dramática y esta cargada con una buena dosis de humor pero sin tampoco llegar a ser excesivo como pasaba en su anterior entrega, en esta se siente mucho más equilibrado, vemos a un Thor que esta buscándose a si mismo, ya no se sabe quien es, o que representa, es un guardián de la galaxia, es un vengadores, o simplemente es un aventurero solitario, todos esos puntos son tocados en la trama, en especial la soledad que tiene el personaje por dentro, es verdad que a veces se abordan estos temas con algo de humor pero son llevados de manera correcta para que cualquier espectador pueden entenderlos, recordemos que esta pelĂcula es para todo publico.
The Marvel universe is expanding more and more in the cinema, and its movies are one of the few that are still profitable in the film industry, proof of them is the success of Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness and of course Spiderman No Way Home, and this new installment of Thor has the guaranteed success is entertaining, is dramatic and is loaded with a good dose of humor but without being excessive as it happened in his previous installment, in this one it feels much more balanced, we see a Thor who is looking for himself, it is no longer known who he is, or what he represents, is he a guardian of the galaxy, is he an avenger, or is he simply a lonely adventurer, all these points are touched in the plot, especially the loneliness that the character has inside, it is true that sometimes these issues are addressed with some humor but they are taken in the right way so that any viewer can understand them, remember that this film is for all audiences.
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Otro punto fuerte en le grama es el villano por momentos le damos la razĂłn, vemos a estos dioses corruptos, te acuerdas de lo disparejo que era OdĂn a veces siendo un Dios benevolente pero que tambiĂ©n realizo daños en el pasado, entonces te pones por momentos de lado de un villano que ha perdido a su hija por no poder darle de comer, por no poder darle agua de beber, la vemos morir con la crudeza que por momentos aplaudiremos lo que el villano hace, y claro otro persona que se roba nuestros corazones es la nueva chica Thor Jane Foster, la cual vimos en la primera y segunda entrega sin pena ni gloria, pero que en esta pelĂcula se abordan temas como su ruptura, el cáncer, su soledad, es un personaje con tantos matices que siento que se puedo explorar a lo largo de varias pelĂculas, pero desgraciadamente esta será la Ăşnica pelĂcula en la que salga, al verla en el cine entenderán por que, pero tiene cierta gloria su cierre que lo hace bastante Ă©pico.
Another strong point in the plot is the villain at times we agree with him, we see these corrupt gods, you remember how uneven Odin was sometimes being a benevolent God but also did damage in the past, then you get at times on the side of a villain who has lost his daughter for not being able to feed her, for not being able to give her water to drink, we see her die with the rawness that at times we will applaud what the villain does, and of course another person who steals our hearts is the new Thor girl Jane Foster, which we saw in the first and second installment without pain or glory, but in this film addresses issues such as her breakup, cancer, her loneliness, is a character with so many nuances that I feel that I can explore over several films, but unfortunately this will be the only film in which it comes out, to see it in the theater will understand why, but has some glory its closure that makes it quite epic.
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En conclusiĂłn es una pelĂcula frenĂ©tica, alocada, que tiene todo lo que una persona comĂşn puede buscar un fin de semana para entretenerse, pero tambiĂ©n tiene todo lo que un buen fan de Marvel puede querer, creo que lo positivo de esta pelĂcula es que no es tan necesario ver las anteriores pelĂculas del universo de Marvel para ver esta ya que resumen ciertos puntos claves, se que parece que le lanzo flores a esta pelĂcula, pero es que repito es una pelĂcula para toda la familia, que aun asĂ aborda temas bastante oscuros y por momentos chistes muy pasados de tono, creo que realizaron un buen trabajo, si tuviera que verle algo negativo tal ves 20 minutos mas de pelĂcula para ver poco mas del villano y jane, pero tampoco es algo que pueda ver como malo despues de todo esta es una pelĂcula de Thor.
In conclusion it is a frenetic movie, crazy, that has everything that an average person can look for a weekend to entertain, but also has everything a good Marvel fan may want, I think the positive thing about this movie is that it is not so necessary to see the previous films of the Marvel universe to see this one as they summarize certain key points, I know it seems that I throw flowers to this movie, but I repeat it is a movie for the whole family, which still addresses some dark themes and at times very over the top jokes, I think they did a good job, if I had to see something negative maybe 20 minutes more of film to see little more of the villain and Jane, but it is not something that I can see as bad after all this is a Thor movie.
Hi @genesishealthy ! I agree with you, Gorr and Jane Foster are definitely the strongest points of the film. The villain is one of the most intimidating villains of this MCU phase 4, and you can empathize with him despite the low amount of screentime he has. In this film we probably have the best Jane Foster ever seen in the saga, written in a believable way both as a standalone character and as part of a couple with Thor. The finale bugged me a bit, and I am still trying to understand whether I found it disappointing or refreshing. I was definitely not expecting the final outcome of the film, but I liked the growth of Thor throughout this new adventure.
anoche vĂ la pelĂcula finalmente y me siento muy satisfecho, aunque no existo que objetivamente haya una "mala" pelĂcula en el MCU, admito que me sentĂa muy aburrido al respecto.
Love and Thunder es soplo de aire fresco, es experimental, es divertida, es emocional, Christian Bale es un villano excelente y Portman es una adición orgánica al cast de los héroes, me sorprendió que pudieran traer de vuelta al personaje sin mayor problrma.