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RE: The Wondering Earth - a movie with unexpressed potential

Debo decir que conocí está película por las recomendaciones de Netflix y me supo atrapar por los constantes eventos que sucedían dentro de la película, lo que más me dolió fue la muerte del abuelo. Es bueno ver otra opinión de la película.

I must say that I found out about this movie because of the recommendations of Netflix and it was able to catch me by the constant events that happened within the movie, what hurt me the most was the death of the grandfather. It's good to see another opinion of the movie.


Hi @ginethchira2301, thanks for your comment and sorry for the laaaaate answer. In the complex it isn't a bad movie (also because it would have been an absolute waste of money with the indecent amount of money they spent to produce it), but I am a little more critical since it is a subject dear to me, being I an aerospace Engineer...