Brave Father Online - How Online Games Can Reconnect a Father and Son Relationship

The virtual universe allows a person to be anyone and anything. One example is social media and online games, there are many who use pseudonyms, in cyberspace, they represent themselves as a woman, but in the real world, he is a men, although many still use real identities.

Well, the movie, entitled Brave Father Online, tells the story of how an online final fantasy XIV game is able to reconnect the strained relationship between a father and his son.


A father who incidentally is the head of the family decides to stop working and hide the reason, suddenly interested in playing the online game, Final Fantasy XIV.

His son, who is already playing and experienced, teaches his father, but his father doesn't realize that this boy is using the Maidy account, which is a girl.


Their relationship in the real world is not close, because the father is also known as a person who doesn't talk much unless it is necessary.

This makes them even more distant and unfamiliar. Who would have thought, it turns out that in cyberspace, the father is very active in socializing and making friends, and is also very enthusiastic about playing games.

Until one day the father told about him who was not very close to his family, and the suggestions given by his son.


I will not tell at length about this movie, because it is feared that it contains spoilers. However, from this movie, I learned a lot about how the virtual world can open up a lot of opportunities and it turns out that there are still many places that we don't know about.

The friends we meet in cyberspace, with their own unique identities and styles, must have a different life in the real world, a life that others may not want to know.

You can be anyone on the Internet. A world without faces opens opportunities for anyone to express anything without hesitation and without fear of being bullied.

Who knows, maybe your close friends in online games and cyberspace are next-door neighbors who look geeky and don't really like to mingle with the people around them, or maybe they are a member of your own family. Who knows.


After all, this movie is worth watching, sometimes as people who are old, we have to give in and listen more to people who are younger than us, sometimes the world is not just about us, there are people closest to us who need attention and warmth. You must watch this movie.