Un señor nos cuenta la desgraciada historia de su hija, que aún cuando salía con un joven que no era italiano, le hacía llegar tarde y no era de su agrado, aún así no chistaba ni reprendia hasta que un día llegó con un amigo en un auto y la hicieron tomar whisky para poder abusar de ella pero ella no se dejó y conservo lo que su padre llama honor; no salio ilesa de la situación ya que la golpearon salvajemente y la dejaron hospitalizada con la nariz rota y la mandíbula en pedazos esto hizo llorar a su padre que pidió justicia ante la corte Américana y los sentenciaron a 3 años pero justo cuando iban a perecer en la cárcel se desestimaria el caso y serían soltados ese mismo día, mirando al padre de la joven y sonriéndole, aquel hombre sintió tanta indignación que busca salvación en don Corleone; aunque Corleone lo escucha atento le pregunta por qué no busco ayuda de el antes que en la policía pero aquel hombre le pide encarecidamente que le pids lo que quiera pero que haya justicia para su hija así que don Corleone le pregunté que necesita…
Pero no lo sabremos solo se lo dice en el oído pero don Corleone es implacable con sus palabras, no podrá hacerlo porque no es el hombre que debería ser para pedirle algo, no es su amigo incluso cuando hay más cosas que lo unen el solo viene ahí irrespetuosamente para pedirle que mate a alguien por dinero, debió acudir a él como su amigo para que los enemigos de él también sean propios y así, le temerian pero si solo viene así como si nada, ni se preocupe porque ni siquiera lo llama "padrino" pero el hombre angustiado le pide que sea su amigo llamándolo padrino y besando su anillo y don Corleone acepta ayudarlo solo que en algún momento el lo llamara para pedirle un favor, encarga a uno de sus hombres que no se exceda ya que no son asesinos y finalizan su negocio.
Afuera hay una gran fiesta, es la boda de la hija de don Corleone, todos están de gala y es una fiesta elegante con muchas personas influyentes, tan influyentes que no le dejan al fotógrafo tomar ninguna foto y es más, le rompen las fotos que ha tomado, todo sigue su curso, esperando y recibiendo regalos don Corleone pero llegan unos hombres afuera que empiezan a anotar las placas, dentro justamente los hombres de don Corleone cambian guardia para vigilar las afueras y se encuentran con estos hombres con los que tropiezan pero le muestran que son del FBI, les escupen y esto inicia un altercado que terminara en algo que no se esperan.
El Padrino es una película clásica que narra la historia de Michael Corleone, un joven italoamericano que alcanza la fama en el mundo del crimen organizado. La película comienza con una boda en Sicilia y poco después vemos a Michael de vuelta a casa, en Nueva York, donde su familia se dedica a actividades mafiosas. A medida que su padre, Vito Corleone, envejece, empieza a traspasar a otros su poder en el negocio familiar.
En lugar de dedicarse a los negocios familiares, Michael planea entrar en política. Sin embargo, sus planes cambian cuando los enemigos de Don Corleone intentan asesinarle y Michael decide proteger a su padre y vengar el atentado. Asume el papel del nuevo Don y se dispone a construir un imperio criminal más poderoso que nunca.
El Padrino cuenta con las increíbles interpretaciones de Marlon Brando como Don Vito Corleone y Al Pacino como Michael Corleone
A man tells us the unfortunate story of his daughter, who even when she went out with a young man who was not Italian, he made her arrive late and was not to her liking, even so she didn't complain or reprimand him until one day he arrived with a friend in a car and they made her drink whiskey to abuse her but she didn't let him and kept what her father calls honor; She did not come out of the situation unscathed since they beat her savagely and left her hospitalized with a broken nose and her jaw in pieces, this made her father cry and he asked for justice before the American court and they were sentenced to 3 years but just when they were going to perish in jail the case would be dismissed and they would be released that same day, looking at the father of the young woman and smiling at him, that man felt so much indignation that he looked for salvation in Don Corleone; Although Corleone listens to him attentively, he asks him why he did not seek help from him rather than from the police, but the man asks him earnestly to ask him whatever he wants, but that there be justice for his daughter, so Don Corleone asks him what he needs?
But we won't know just tell him in his ear but don Corleone is relentless with his words, he won't be able to do it because he is not the man he should be to ask him for something, he is not his friend even when there are more things that bind him he just comes there disrespectfully to ask him to kill someone for money, he should have come to him as his friend so that his enemies are also his own and so, they would be afraid of him but if he just comes like that as if nothing, don't even worry because he doesn't even call him "godfather" but the distressed man asks him to be his friend calling him godfather and kissing his ring and don Corleone agrees to help him only that at some point he will call him to ask him for a favor, he instructs one of his men not to overdo it since they are not assassins and they finish their business.
Outside there is a big party, it is the wedding of Don Corleone's daughter, everyone is dressed up and it is an elegant party with many influential people, so influential that they don't let the photographer take any pictures and what's more, they break the pictures he has taken, everything goes on, waiting and receiving gifts Don Corleone but some men arrive outside and begin to write down the plates, inside just Don Corleone's men change guard to watch outside and meet these men with whom they stumble but they show him that they are from the FBI, they spit on them and this starts an altercation that will end in something they do not expect.
The Godfather is a classic film that tells the story of Michael Corleone, a young Italian-American who rises to fame in the world of organized crime. The film begins with a wedding in Sicily and soon after we see Michael back home in New York, where his family is involved in Mafia activities. As his father, Vito Corleone, ages, he begins to pass on his power in the family business to others.
Instead of devoting himself to the family business, Michael plans to enter politics. However, his plans change when Don Corleone's enemies attempt to assassinate him and Michael decides to protect his father and avenge the assassination attempt. He assumes the role of the new Don and sets out to build a criminal empire more powerful than ever.
The Godfather features incredible performances by Marlon Brando as Don Vito Corleone and Al Pacino as Michael Corleone.
It's a great cult movie. I've seen the first movie but I haven't seen the others, maybe I'll watch them in the future. Your article reminded me of movie scenes I had forgotten. Thank you for sharing it.
Recuerdo haber visto esto en DirecTV junto con la segunda película; a pesar del tiempo en el que fue hecho y el tiempo que se toma para hacer que se muevan las cosas, definitivamente me demostró el por qué se volvió tan influencial en obras que vinieron después de esta. Verdaderamente una historia de cine que son las primeras dos películas con todo lo que llegan a mostrar (aún no he visto la tercera)