Hola amigos otra vez les saludo, en esta oportunidad les hablare de una película que me habían recomendado hace un tiempo pero no había tenido la oportunidad de ver, se trata de EVEREST (2015), El pico mas alto del mundo, con 8.848 metros sobre el nivel del mar donde encontramos una de las expediciones mas difíciles y duras del mundo, en el film nos explican que alcanzar la cumbre se convirtió en un reto de superación y obsesión para muchos, ademas de ser una película dirigida por Baltasar Kormákur, sigue a Rob Hall y Scott Fischer en su intento por subir, pero se ven sorprendidos por una terrible tormenta. Lo que me gusta de la cinta es que esta basada en hechos reales, la expedición que tuvo lugar en 1996 la cual es conocida como el desastre del Everest, donde murieron 12 alpinistas, y realmente casi todos sufrieron bastante por falta de oxigeno, y el frio inminente que aunque estaban preparados, no lo estaban para una terrible tormenta que hizo que sus vidas cambiaran, y muchas de ellos acabaran, por ejemplo el médico tejano Beck Weathers perdió sus dos manos y parte de su nariz, ya que como El indica murió 12 horas en el Everest, redactado en el libro "Mal de altura" escrito por Jon Krakauer. donde muestra su terrible experiencia, pero agradece aun estar con vida, suerte que muchos de sus compañeros no tuvieron, ademas que sirvió para denunciar el exceso de escaladores, y lo comercial que se convirtió subir la montaña, una cantidad gigantesca de dinero, donde muchos de los que asisten no están preparados para dicha experiencia, nada mas el clima es infernal no me quiero imaginar lo bestial que es, para los que hemos tenido la oportunidad de sentir un invierno terrible, no es ni la mitad de lo fuerte que es el Everest, es por esto que han ocurrido muchas tragedias a lo largo de los años aproximadamente 300 muertes.
Hello friends again I greet you, this time I will talk about a film that had been recommended to me some time ago but I had not had the opportunity to see, it is EVEREST (2015), The highest peak in the world, with 8. 848 meters above sea level where we find one of the most difficult and hardest expeditions in the world, in the film we explain that reaching the summit became a challenge of overcoming and obsession for many, besides being a film directed by Baltasar Kormákur, follows Rob Hall and Scott Fischer in their attempt to climb, but they are surprised by a terrible storm. What I like about the film is that it is based on real events, the expedition that took place in 1996 which is known as the everest disaster, where 12 climbers died, and really almost all suffered enough for lack of oxygen, and the impending cold that although they were prepared, They were not prepared for a terrible storm that made their lives change, and many of them ended, for example the Texan doctor Beck Weathers lost his two hands and part of his nose, because as he indicates he died 12 hours on Everest, written in the book "Altitude sickness" written by Jon Krakauer. where he shows his terrible experience, but he is still thankful to be alive, luck that many of his companions did not have, besides it served to denounce the excess of climbers, and how commercial it became to climb the mountain, a gigantic amount of money, where many of those who attend are not prepared for such an experience, For those of us who have had the opportunity to experience a terrible winter, it is not even half as strong as Everest, which is why there have been so many tragedies over the years, approximately 300 deaths.

The team did not climb Mount Everest. In January 2014, the actors and technicians moved to the Ötztal Alps in Italy for six weeks. After this part of the shoot, they traveled to Iceland, where they spent another month, and then to Nepal, where they filmed for another month. To find the right locations, the production was advised by Dave Breashears, a filmmaker who has reached the summit of Everest five times and directed his own film entitled Everest in 1998. As the following website shows: https://www.sensacine.com/noticias/cine/noticia-18585540/ To be honest, it is very difficult to expose such actors to the great dangers that can be encountered on Everest.

Really in my opinion the cast chosen was fantastic, the images and sound is great, but I feel that the film lacked something to impact us, in my opinion throughout the film I expected more and more, I even feel that it should have been more of a tribute to all the survivors and deceased, to have focused more on each of the characters, it was like a brief review of each one, I feel that in terms of history they lacked much more, where the emotions of the spectators go out to the surface, although this does not mean that it is a bad movie, because it is not, it is a great visual spectacle, but if they lacked to focus on the characters, and have placed that I do not know what to end up being fantastic, but it really hooks you at least to my step, that is why if I recommend them to 100%, Thanks for reading friends, Greetings...
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Imágenes en canva y otras tomadas de la película por mi./Images in canva and others taken from the film by me.

Muy buena pelicula hermana, recuerdo que la vi hace años, una pelicula que pone los nervios congelados con cada escena, muy buen articulo! 💪