Lorenzo`s Oil, 1992 fue traducida en la Argentina como Un milagro para Lorenzo. La misma está basada en un hecho real, que se sucedió en Estados Unidos en los años ochenta. Esta película fue dirigida por George Miller y protagonizada por Nick Nolte como Augusto y Susan Sarandon como Michaela, nominada al Oscar a la mejor actriz por su papel. A partir de la película Sarandon se convirtió en portavoz del Proyecto Mielina.
Familia Odone en la película/
Odone family in the movie.
Hello dear friends first time I write in your community and this time to comment on this excellent movie, the truth caught me perhaps because I have a 5 year old boy like Lorenzo when he started his illness, and I suffered like his parents watching every part of the movie. What I loved the most is that his parents fought non-stop, just as a lioness defends her cubs, so they fought against all odds to keep Lorenzo alive.
Lorenzo`s Oil, 1992 was translated in Argentina as A Miracle for Lorenzo. It is based on a true story that took place in the United States in the eighties. This film was directed by George Miller and starred Nick Nolte as Augusto and Susan Sarandon as Michaela, nominated for an Oscar for best actress for her role. From the film Sarandon became a spokesperson for the Myelin Project.
Odone family in real life.
Esta película se basa particularmente en la lucha de unos padres por derrotar la enfermedad de su hijo Lorenzo Murphy Odone; la Adreno-Leuco-Distrofia conocido como el ALD, denominada en un principio enfermedad de Schindler hasta ese momento casi desconocida por la comunidad médica a nivel mundial, la cual es solo transmitida de la madre al hijo varón y se manifiesta en los primero años de vida de éste. Es por esto que Augusto y Michaela Odone se dedicaron en sus tiempos libres a estudiar, mientras que con la ayuda de diferentes enfermeras y la hermana de Michaela cuidaban a Lorenzo, a medida que su enfermedad avanzaba sus padres se vieron en la necesidad de buscar a mas personas que lo atendieran ya que muchos no querían hacerlo, porque el niño sufría mucho y pensaban que por el contrario deberían dejarlo morir, ya que es una enfermedad considerada como mortal, ya que en esa época no se conocía como ayudar a los niños con dicha enfermedad.

El ALD es un trastorno genético del cerebro causado por una acumulación de ácidos grasos en las células nerviosas y dañan el delicado revestimiento de las células cerebrales. La enfermedad, que ataca a la vaina de mielina, afecta principalmente a los niños, ya que es causada por un defecto en el cromosoma X. Según el diario LA CAPITAL: https://www.lacapital.com.ar/informacion-general/murio-augusto-odone-quien-inspiro-el-filme-un-milagro-lorenzo-n421575.html
Augusto Odone con el aceite de Lorenzo/Augusto Odone with Lorenzo's oil.
This film is based particularly on the struggle of parents to defeat the disease of their son Lorenzo Murphy Odone; the Adreno-Leuko-Dystrophy known as ALD, initially called Schindler's disease until then almost unknown by the medical community worldwide, which is only transmitted from mother to son and manifests itself in the first years of life of the latter. This is why Augusto and Michaela Odone dedicated their free time to study, while with the help of different nurses and Michaela's sister they took care of Lorenzo, as his disease progressed his parents had to look for more people to take care of him, since many did not want to do it, because the child suffered a lot and they thought that on the contrary they should let him die, since it is a disease considered as mortal, because at that time it was not known how to help children with this disease.
ALD is a genetic disorder of the brain caused by a buildup of fatty acids in nerve cells that damage the delicate lining of brain cells. The disease, which attacks the myelin sheath, mainly affects children, as it is caused by a defect in the X chromosome. According to the newspaper LA CAPITAL: https://www.lacapital.com.ar/informacion-general/murio-augusto-odone-quien-inspiro-el-filme-un-milagro-lorenzo-n421575.html
Lorenzo and his father
Lorenzo's parents had no medical knowledge, he consulted doctors and numerous publications. He and his wife dedicated themselves to study, to read tirelessly all the articles, publications and books in order to save their son's life as well as the lives of thousands of children with the same problem. He found in one article that animals fed olive oil had lower levels of long chain fatty acids. He developed a blend of oils and took it to a scientist, Hugo Moser, a neurologist at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, who was studying ALD. They then convinced a laboratory to prepare the oil for him, and of course they paid a large sum of money for it and had a double mortgage on their house. The most beautiful part of the movie is that they not only dedicated themselves to saving their son's life but on the contrary they told everyone in the foundation, but of course they were initially reluctant to use this treatment for others, on the other hand they gave the oil to a very close friend and helped his improvement since the child had not lost any of his faculties as happened with Lorenzo. It is so much so that the treatment is indicated to the patients when the disease is diagnosed in order to prevent it from progressing, since its advances happen in a fast way.
The Odone couple continued to raise awareness of the disease and the oil through the Myelin Project, which promotes and channels research on ALD and other similar diseases.
La muerte de Odone a sus 80 años se produjo cinco años después de la de su hijo, que vivió hasta los 30 años, murió de una pulmonía mucho más tiempo de lo que la mayoría de los médicos habían dicho, por su parte su madre murió 5 años antes que la muerte de su hijo.
Sin duda una película que vale la pena ver, donde nos enseñan el como surgir y luchar sin parar por nuestros seres amados, esta pareja que no tenían ningún conocimiento medico lograron crear un aceite que alargo muchos años la vida de su hijo, SIN DUDA SON UNOS PADRES ADMIRABLES, así como ellos debemos luchar contra todo pronostico cuando tengamos una piedra en el camino TODO POR NUESTROS HIJOS.
Odone's death at 80 years old occurred five years after that of his son, who lived until he was 30 years old, died of pneumonia much longer than most doctors had said, his mother died 5 years before the death of his son.
Undoubtedly a movie worth watching, where they teach us how to emerge and fight endlessly for our loved ones, this couple who had no medical knowledge managed to create an oil that extended many years the life of his son, WITHOUT A DOUBT THEY ARE A WONDERFUL PARENTS, and like them we must fight against all odds when we have a stone in the road ALL FOR OUR CHILDREN.
Las imágenes de la vida real fueron encontradas en esta pagina en internet./The real life images were found on this website
Las otras fueron encontradas en google y otras creadas por mi en canva./The others were found in google and others created by me in canva.:https://www.mindomo.com/es/mindmap/sample-mind-mape1f8460a3836459f9fab213d5c6b311f
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Maravillosa película, muy buenas actuaciones, a partir de allí logré comprender un poco sobre como funcionaban las neuronas y las dendritas y como estaba recubierta la vaina de mielina. Muy buen post te felicito y gracias por compartirla!
Hola amigo gracias por comentar... Si, sin duda alguna una excelente película, que ademas de enseñarnos tantas cosas medicas, nos muestra una implacable fuerza de unos maravillosos padres. Gracias por leerme.😄
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