How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies | Movie Review

in Movies & TV Shows5 months ago

Hello Hivers! I've recently watched How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies in Netflix and it brought me so much tears. The film is quite popular in our country as I've seen some clips of the movie on Facebook and this was even shown in Philippine Cinemas. After watch the entire film, I'm deeply moved in tears and would like to share my thoughts and realizations with you all. This heartwarming film is actually happening in real life to some Asian families.

How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies Synopsis

Photo credits to Google

The story follows a university dropout grandson, M, who quit his job to take care of his sick grandmother in the hopes of winning her favor and inheriting her wealth. At first, M finds her demands unreasonable such as waiting in long lines just to buy fried fish for lunch, or waking up as early as 5 AM to accompany her in selling congee. As time passes by, he developed a genuine love and care for his grandma, accompany her in her errands, play cards, and comfort her when she's in pain- things that her own children cannot do. Soon her stomach cancer worsen and she's already undergoing chemo therapy.

Upon seeing that his grandma was loosing hair due to the effects of her chemo, M introduced camera filters just to lighten her mood. He also bought her a pair of shoes because her old shoes hurts her feet. Grandma became receptive of his care because she felt it genuine, unlike her other family members who only come and see her during Holidays to celebrate, but will eventually leave her.
One time, grandma express that she wants to be buried in a big plot of land because she wants her family to gather and bond in her plot. Unfortunately, this would cost 1 million baht, an amount she no longer have after one of her bastard son stole her money.
Before grandma died, she eventually left her remaining wealth to that bastard son who stole her money. M got really hurt because he was the one who solely took care of her. But in the end, he understood her reasons- because among her children that bastard son is the one who needs help the most.
Right after grandma died, the bank called M, informing him that grandma left him a million baht. He then remembered a flashback of his younger self with grandma, walking to the bank to open a bank account under his name as her rewards for M's good grades.
Immediately, he withdraw all the money and used it to buy that big plot of land for grandma.

Thoughts And Realizations

The film feels relatable because it deeply understands family dynamics, especially in Asian families. My grandparents died when i was just in my early teen years so i have a very limited memories of them. Truth is, I've always longed to know what it feels like to bond with the elderlies because growing up, my parents are always busy running our family business and we're left all in our own. Even on Sundays, we are still working. Not that I'm complaining or anything, because i understand that most, if not all things, boils down to money. That is why i'm working really hard now, so when the time comes that my parents will get old, i can afford to spend my time with them.

I cannot claim to be the best daughter to my parents, as i have my own shortcomings too, but after watching this film, i will try my best to be gentler and more receptive to their words and demands, just as how M, in the movie, was patient to the nags of his grandma. I realized that as people grow older, they gradually think like babies, so fragile and innocent. While us, adults, have to take care of them delicately, the way they've taken care of us when we were infants.

Lastly, I highly recommend to anyone to watch this film with your elderlies and show them genuine love and care that they deserve.

That's it for today's blog. See you in my next one!

Sending some love and light

Love, Jane


ooh this was such a hit over here and was on the cinema. I recently lost my grandma at the time this movie was released so I avoided watching it. It's Nice to see it on Neflix, maybe it's time to resubscribe since I am also wanting to finish Gyeongsong Creature Season 2 😄

You should definitely watch this😊 but do expect some tears during and after the movie. 😊

I loved your review! your reflection on how to care for our parents as they age is very profound and necessary. I will definitely take your recommendation and watch the movie.

Thank youu. I love sentimental movies 😁

se ve interesante, buena reseña!

looks interesting, good review!

Solo el título me llama la atención y ver tu reseña hizo que me arrugara en corazón jejeje amo Alós abuelitos y considero que si dejaría una gran reflexión.