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RE: 'The Beta Test' by Jim Cummings Review: Hollywood narcissism meets paranoia

I'm going to look it up, I think I saw the poster a while back but didn't pay much attention to it due to lack of time. The last one I saw of Jim Cummings as a director was The Wolf of Snow Hollow and as an actor in the movie The Block Island Sound.

You are right, for viewers like me, we only see that glamorous side of cinema, we think it's all about luxury, wealth, parties, beautiful women hahaha. that's only what they show us and only a few are the real privileged ones who make millions of dollars.

There is the other side, the one that only those who work in the industry see, behind all that glamorous facade, there are the people who work, as you say, often underpaid. In the end it all turns out to be a fantasy. Many want to be famous, but they don't know what the ugly side of it all is.


Check out his Vimeo page for his short films, also check out Thunder Road. It was my entry into his works. I've followed him since!